Chapter 30 End of the War

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As Homura was lying on his back, Lucy, Happy, and Natsu were running towards him. When they reached him, they all tackled him into a hug. While they were smiling, Homura was tapping the ground with his hand repeatedly.

"Ow ow ow ow!!!! Uncle! Uncle!!!!!!"

"Sorry. But think you were so strong. I couldn't have asked for a better sidekick!!!!"

"I went from brother to're cruel, Natsu."

As Homura felt a bit of sweat drop from his head, a smile slowly formed on his face. He actually did it. He defeated the man who put Makarov in his condition and he defeated the man who hurt Levy and her team. However, as he was lying down, he saw that Happy had a worried look on his face.

"Natsu, Homura......if you two are at your limit.....who's gonna fight Jose?!"

As Happy said this, Lucy's eyes widen in horror. Happy was right, Homura and Natsu were too exhausted to fight Jose. However, Happy and Lucy soon looked at Homura and Natsu as they were both chuckling.

"There's no need to worry about it. My intuition hasn't failed me yet. We'll win, right Natsu?"

"Yeah...I caught his scent earlier, but now i'm certain....he's got this."

Mira was seen on the ground, badly injured by Jose. When she looked around, she saw Gray, Lambo, and Elfman in the same position as her. However, she didn't have time to think as Jose approached her.

"It seems that dragon and the boy went on a rampage. Tell me, Mirajane, do you know why I didn't kill Makarov outright?"

Jose moves his hand in an arc before him, engulfing a large area in an explosion following the same pattern as his hand

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Jose moves his hand in an arc before him, engulfing a large area in an explosion following the same pattern as his hand. As Mira and the others were caught in the spell, a sadistic smile appeared on Jose's face.

"Despair! I wish to show him despair. How will he feel when the first thing he sees after opening his eyes is the guild he loved so much destroyed and his precious "children" completely defeated? I will only kill him as he feels nothing but anguish. I will make him suffer to the very end!!!!"

 I will make him suffer to the very end!!!!"

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