Deku's Return

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'Beeb beeb' it was bakugou's alarm clock going off. He slightly shifted to turn it off. He groaned before sitting up and looking at the time. It was 5 a.m. He slowly got up and headed to the bathroom he quickly stripped and got in the shower the warm shower.

15 minutes later he finished his shower and got dressed. He then walked to the full body mirror on the wall to make sure he was wearing everything. "Katsuki baby come eat breakfast. " He flinched as his mom's voice broke the silence. He let out a light sigh before heading down stairs to join his parents for breakfast.

After he finished his breakfast he put his plate in the sink and washed his hands then grabbed his bag while walking to the front door he said "Later mom." before closing the door behind him. He was enjoying the lovely silence of the neighborhood since not many cars drove through the area.

Before he knew it he was at UA's gates. He walked straight to his class which was 2-A. He pushed the doors open to see some of his classmates already there. He ignored everyone and took his seat. A few minutes after everyone was in class and he was surrounded by the 'Baku Squad' ,though he wasn't listening to them. They were in the middle of talking about there morning routines then out of the blue Mina started this whole knew convo on 'some new kid' who was to join UA today.

Mina- "Guys did you that there's a transfer student?"

Kirishima- "Yeah , I heard he's coming today. "

Denki- " I heard it was a guy."

Sero- "O yeah ,I heard he's supposed to join us in 2-A."

Mina- " I just hope he's not like mineta ,who's a perv, or Iida ,who's all about don't do this and don't do that."

Sero- " lol Mina. Yo-."

Bakugou was actually interested in there little gossip but pretended to ignore it. He then quickly looked around to see who stopped the bunch of idiots from talking. When he turned around to see a man with long black hair with a scar right above the middle of his cheek , all black clothing and a black cat mug filled with coffee.  It was their teacher 'Shota Aizawa'

"Everyone back to their seats now." Aizawa stated when everyone was at there original seats Aizawa continued to talk "We'll be having someone join us today from America."  When he said that many eyes were lit up with curiosity. Probably just another extra bakugou thinked to himself. "You may come in now." Aizawa said while get his sleeping bag out.

The door slid open only to see a tall male figure walking in ,he was almost as tall as Aizawa . He had dark green hair that fades into black, green eyes that glowed like emeralds. He was fit because the white buttoned up shirt we had to wear with our uniform was a snug fit on him . He had to unbuttoned a few top buttons which only showed his black turtleneck top which fitted him like a diving suit(no it's not a diving suit)

"Hi I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm originally from Japan but moved to America , I'm 19 and I hope we can get along."

Bakugou's POV

I felt my heart sank when he said he his name. That was the name of my childhood bestfriend that moved away years ago. Bakugou took a better look at the tall male. He was shocked his childhood bestfriend that moved when they were young was standing in front of him. He couldn't do anything but stare as memories from his childhood filled his head.

Then 'that' question came. "Does he remember me. Would  he still wanna be friends. What if he forgot me. What if he doesn't wanna be friends again." His heart ached because of the simple possibilities.

Nobody's pov

" Alright Midoriya, sit in any empty seat you can find." Our teacher said . Izuku then nodded scanning the room for any available seats. He then started walking to bakugou's direction. He took a seat right behind him. "Alright let's start the lesson for today."

Izuku's pov

I took a seat right behind kaccahn he seemed to remember me but knowing him he'll probably let his pride or shyness get in the way of asking me if I remember him. I let out a small sigh before turning my attention to my new sensei.

Class was over and many students were heading to their lockers. I spotted kacchan busy at his locker. I walked over wrapping my hands around my childhood bestfrien's waist. All the students from our class was there but I didn't care. I saw a faint blush on his face that made me smirk. " Kacchan don't tell me you forgot me.~" I said in a sad tone while making a slightly pouting my face. "No I didn't and get your hands off me Deku." I smiled letting go of him grabbing my stuff and then left.

Bakugou's POV

Deku wrapped his hands around my waist. All our classmates were watching. I was so embarrassed but happy that he still had his childish side and that he remembered me. I feel my face heated up I knew I was blushing. "Kacchan don't tell me you forgot me~." I could hear the sad tone in his voice I knew it was fake but what if it wasn't I'd mess up our friendship. No I didn't and get your hands off me Deku." I answered with a soft tone. I could see his smirk from the corner of my eyes. He then let go grabbed his stuff and left.

After he left I then remembered that everyone was watching. "What !" I yelled before slamming my locker shut and walking out leaving everyone confused and a certain person jealous~.

This is my first story ever
I hope you like it.
And we have much more drama~ coming

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