Chapter 6

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Bakugou's POV

"Miss me?" Was the first word out of my mouth. Everyone stared. "What you didn't think I'd actually get in trouble for placing garbage in the trash did you."

Mina face was filled with happiness as soon as she heard the voice. She sprinted over "Bakubae your okay." Her voice was filled with relief and bakugou surely noticed. "What you didn't think I'd actually get in trouble for placing garbage in the trash did you." He said to reassure her that he's alright.

"What happened to Uraraka?" Tsyu asked tone filled with worry. "If you care so much about that brat ask her yourself." I said clearly not in the mood to hear about her.

Aizawa walked in. "Okay I know today has been a little stressful so just go back to the dorms and rest. You can finish the assignments tomorrow. I'm not paid enough to deal with this."

"Sweat!" Denki cheerfully yelled caughting everyone's attention. "Dude pipe down will ya." Sero said trying to calm the stupid pikachu down.

"Hey Kacchan. Your not hurt are you.?" I jumped when I heard the voice. My heart started racing. "No I'm not hurt deku." I replied trying to sound calm. "Good. I was worried for nothing then." Deku said letting out a little sigh. "DID YOU REALLY THINK IM THAT WEAK DEKU!" I yelled. I didn't want him to think I'm weat or anything.

"Of course not Kacchan but your still a human and humans get hurt no matter how strong they are." Deku gave me reassuring look. "How about this Kacchan." Deku said peaking my interest. "Go on." I said wanting to hear more. "We watch Haikyuu." Deku answered my curiosity. I could swear his eyes sparkled the moment he said Haikyuu. "Agh what's that?" I said confused of what he was talking about.

"Haikyuu is a very popular anime series going around. I'm surprised you haven't heard about it." "Yeah and what's it about?" I said while  letting my curiosity get the best of me. "It's about volleyball players. I know it sounds boring but it's really nice. I promise you'll love it~." "Alright. You win you stupid nerd. I'll watch the goddamn anime with you."

My heart fluttered seeing him so happy about watching something so stupid. I quickly turned away when I realized I  was blushing. I guess I really do love this idiot. "Cool Kacchan see you later." Deku replied and walked away talking with Todoroki.

"Looks like someone's got a date ~."  "We're just friends Mina."  Even though I've never said it out loud Mina and Momo always they're for me and of course shitty hair, tape dispenser and pikachu was to but I fell like the girls get me more. I could never hide anything from them. No matter how hard I've tried. They just always know.

Even if I tell them I don't want help or I dont need it. They'll always interfere when they see needed to. They're like my wing men. If that even makes sense.

Author's note

Sorry it took so long to upload
Hope you enjoyed this chapter tho

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