Chapter 9

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(Spudow, Wall Knight and Immorticia were overpowered by the Darkness! But all hope is not lost! Grass Knuckles wasn't feeling too good. The Darkness must have spread onto him, causing to turn him evil. Electric Boogaloo was hoping that he would showed up and wants to challenge him to a dance off at the Disco place. Meanwhile, The Smash and Solar Flare head out of the hospital, only to see Captain Combustible and Green Shadow. They has some bad news to report. Will someone stop the Darkness before it spreads?)

Grass Knuckles's POV

As I watch Cactus running to the Zombie base, I feel a sharp pain in my fist. It was painful, but I don't mind the pain causing it to spread. Ain't that so painful?

I look at my leaf fist and notice some black stuff on my arms, giving me some sharp claws. Then I realize what this means.

No... no no no! It must be... It can't be... "Oh yes it is..." I turned around to see none other than King Gnomus, the king of the gnomes. Is he responsible for this?! "Soon, the Darkness will spread all over this world and then it will be ours! Tra la la, ain't that good news?"

Good news?! That's way worse than this! "No! It's not!" I growled at him. "Oh well, at least you will suffer like the other three." King Gnomus smiled evily as I feel another sharp pain in my other leaf fist. I can't even shake this thing off! King Gnomus flew right behind me and grab my head!

"Hear my voice, Grass Knuckles!" He said. I ignore him and punch his hard hands to get them off of me. Nothing can't get through me, right?

I hear laughter and cackling in my head. The sounds of evil and destruction flashed in my eyes. I see everything.

The world being completely dark. Every plant and zombie being fully possessed by the Darkness. Some of them survived, but others are captured and taken prisoner. Their eyes glowed red with mindless smiles and an endless frenzy of them wanting to destroy.

The nightmare of them all. They want revenge for their enemies. And the mysterious zombie. The tricky Scientist that wanted revenge for Dr. Zomboss. He went completely insane after he was fully possessed by the Darkness. And then that was it.

"So you finally get it now? The world will crumble and shatter if you are able to join. That will be your choice." Says King Gnomus as he lets me go. The pain has stopped, my leaf hands are sharp with pointy claws. My fists are the same and my smile went mindless. I was completely possessed by the Darkness.

 I was completely possessed by the Darkness

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"Now to find Electric Boogaloo..." I said in an evil dark voice. I head over to the Disco place and find him. I'll give him a good ol' beatdown on him.

Immorticia's POV

"Is she ok? I'm getting worried..."

"I don't care! I'm not moving until that stupid zombie gives up!"

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