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Everyone is happy since they defeated Trickster the Tricky Zombie Hero and now everything is peaceful.

Everything, even The Smash is happy that it's finally over.

Captain Combustible is right beside The Smash, looking at the Gravestones in the Cemetery. There was a Gravestone entitled "Big Stump" and the bottom of the name is "A Gargantuar's best friend."

The Smash's POV

I let out a tear from my eyes as I put my big hand on the Big Stump's Gravestone and rub it.

Seeing this Gravestone makes me feel so....s-so sad. Captain Combustible put his tree feet on my leg and then asked me.

"You miss him, do you?" Captain Combustible asked.

"Y-yes... I do...miss him. So....so...much." I said, feeling more tears fall from my face.

Captain Combustible hugged me to make me feel better, but I'm not really better. I mean, everything's peaceful since we defeat Trickster thanks to the Rainbow Flower. How can be this sad when I worry about my old friend that much.



Don't be sad, The Smash... I know you're still worried about me, but you have a best friend with you.

I heard Big Stump's voice calling me. I look up and see his spirit form.

"Big Stump..." I said in my mind. "Is that you...?"

Yes, it's me.

He flew over to me and give me a hug. I couldn't feel his body because of his spirit.

The Smash, can you tell Captain Combustible that I have missed him and that I given him his strength and power?

"I'll try..." I said to the spirit and then tell Captain Combustible. "He said he misses you and that he had given you strength and power."

"He... He really did say that...?" Captain Combustible said as he started to tear up.

"He did..." I said.

Tell him about how I met you and then we were best friends in the past. I have to sacrifice myself to save him.

"He told me about we first met and then we became best friends. Then, he protected me from those Gargantuars as I ran. He had himself sacrificed when he got beaten up by them." I said, sniffing.

"If I would've been there, none of this would happen..." Captain Combustible said, crying. "But now I miss him as well... The Smash, I really want to be best friends forever, to make our lives in our hearts grow and the joy of friendship..."

"Captain Combustible, I love you. No matter where or when, I will always keep us both safe." I said softly as I kept hugging Captain Combustible with my arms wrapped around him.

I then look at the spirit of the Big Stump as he gave a warm smiling before walking away, letting himself disappear into light and then, he was gone.

I smiled and then hold Captain Combustible close to my body, keeping him warm and cozy as I did so. Then I pick him up and carried him back to the Plant HQ.

I look back at the Gravestone and smiled, hoping that I would see it again in another time.

As nighttime came, I head inside the Plant HQ and set Captain Combustible down on the ground because he loves being on the ground. I smiled at him before heading back to the Zombie HQ. But then...

"Smash, wait." Captain Combustible called my name before turning to him. "Can you stay here with me?"

I wouldn't say no to him because he is my best friend in the whole wide world and I love him so much as the Torchwoods.

"Of course my Torchwood buddy." I said as I walk over to him and give him a big soft hug. Captain Combustible just stand there like a tree that can't move from his spot, but he's happy, then he started to fall asleep.

I smiled, watching Captain Combustible snore while he sleeps. I can't help it but smile at that feeling. I can feel my eyes starting to grow heavy by the night of the sky. I knew I couldn't stay awake, so I lay down on the floor and close my eyes. I say my words to him before I get to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, Captain Combustible. I love you with all of my heart and soul there is inside us. You and I became best friends forever. No matter how long it'll be, we will always be happy. Together forever..."

I start to yawn as my eyes are starting to close around me. So I went to sleep with Captain Combustible right next to me.

The End.

(Woo! Finished it at last! Sorry for the long wait. I'm just happy that I got votes and comments for my stories that just make me feel so happy. Now that I finished this one, I'll just move on to my other stories and finish them.)

(Feel free to Like and Comment here if you want to. Have a great day! ^^)

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