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i no longer have my computer to upload all the images i had for this book so i may post the chapter but not the pictures until later.also were gonna skip a few years cuz if im being completly honest babies are kind of boring,so were  gonna skip to when shes at least 3 going to turn 4.

She's gotten smart with her comebacks lately.We would tell her to go to sleep all she would reply with is "NO,how bout you go to sleep its past your bedtime".I dont understand why she was fine when she was 2,everyone saying its because she has terrible 3's.But shes an angel and shes not like this all the time its only when she goes to bed or doesnt want to eat food.Now the only food she eats is snacks....yummy but not filling.

We released our second album one secret song about my daughter.Me and fran are getting closer.I think thats why isabel throws little fits and smart remarks.Over all shes a good kid.At one point I accidentally mentioned fran to her saying she might be my girlfriend and her babysitter.shes turning 4 in 5 months.

im sorry this chapter is so short its like a little catch up on were they are a couple years later.i have another book im writing,its not published yet so this book may be updated at random times.sorry for the inconvenience.hope you like it.tell me if you want a second book to this.god chapter coming soon.

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