lost and found

18 0 0

he's arrested. he's gone. he won't hurt anyone else.

Daniels pov

So many bad things happened in under a month. I and Franny broke up cuz she just didn't feel safe or comfortable with me anymore. We are still in fact friends, she just hasn't been around me much. have we found Isabell.....sad to say no .the cops found him fleeing. we are now realizing this might have been a 2 person deal, like an exchange of sorts. he fessed up saying he was drugged that hell give every and any detail the police ask but is serving up to 20 yrs.

this sucks I'm starting to grow more restless and once she's back in my arms ill never let her go. shell be 5 as of next week. yep, can't believe it's been that long either. maybe if I believe enough shell be 2 again.

*phone rings 

daniel=d police =p

d: hey have you found her any leads..

p: I'm sorry no but we need you to come down here we might have something better

d: ok I'm on my way

at the police station

p: hey glad ur here so he's been giving us information said it was a woman his old wife she recently lost her baby to cancer at 4 and a half she's been trying to find "her daughter"as some type of coping mechanism.if whoever's daughter doesn't fit her daughters description she kills them dumps them somewhere excluded or in a dangerous neighborhood blaming it on whoever is around.now get this her name is Danielle Escuevas, 32 yrs of age , has 2 sons that man locked in a cage watches while she does whatever that horrid thing is.

d: wait before you say anything else how do you know he's not lying

the policeman puts some gun extraction thing on the table

P: he was put under oath

D: yeah cuz that ensures he's not lying what is this 

he says pointing to the extractor that was put on the table

P:you know how he said he was drudged


P:that what he was drudged with

D:well what is it

P:morphine and chloroform. knocks him out cant remember a thing. like sleepwalking but more powerful.

D:like sleepwalking?

P:Yes typically when one sleepwalks they don't remember what they did. They just know they did it...


P:Ok uhm let me put it this way. He gets shot by this thing, goes night night, brain go bye bye, woman powerful and controlling, him wake up, him know nothing...

D:oooooh ok i get it now.This sounds like something from the movies....

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