my story

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Hi I'm Isabel.Some people call me isa or izzy sometimes even bella.I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.From oldest to youngest its Conor thenJasmine then Addison and finally me.I was born September 27,2014.(ironic right) I've been in this adoption center since like 2 months after I was born...I think.The weird thing is I don't know the name of the adoption center I'm in.But I know it has an s in it.My parents died in a fire when I was a baby.At least that's what Ms.white says.She also said when the fire broke out as my siblings were playing outside.They started smelling smoke but by the time they were able to get into the house using the slider doors that for luck were jammed it was already to late.The fire was everywhere my sister Addison yelled for my parents with no answer. I was in the living room.(mind you I was still a new born),crying for someone to save me holding on to my crib for dear life. My siblings didn't find my parents but they found me.We all ran out of the house.By the time the paramedics and the fire department came the house was almost to ashes .They did find my parents but it was to late.They were gone.Forever.I did't know what was happening but when they took me from my brother .That's when hell broke loose.Screaming kicking ,and crying.Nobody takes me from my brother.We all been sent to different foster cares.But me and my sister Addison were sent to the same one she got adopted bout a year ago.Im only 1.Very smart for my age cant talk but I could understand when someone says stay in ur room.Your grounded.I've never been told that but I hear it being said to others.Theres a lot of things I shoudnt know but do know.Yah I know I told the story of the fire like it was five yrs ago when really it was just last December.Today is feburary 12,2015.This adoption center is like a 3 in one a house,a school and a food court.Its awesome everyones nice ,well exept for some people.I have my favorite people here like Ms white.She spoils me.Today is adoption day.Yay maybe ill get lucky.

How I found out about the fire you ask well I over heard Ms.white telling it to someone I believe my sister before she left.And apparently that fire was no accident .My parents were in the kitchen when it started.It was meant to kill them as the police men say.Whoever did this did a really good job of covering up tracks and going for the one point.

hehehehe the food court thing, mmm food sounds good right now.thanks head u got me hungry now.srry for the short chapter. hope u like it so far.

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