38. Blake

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His face down, Blake rubbed his engagement ring.

Four more days.

He had four days until the wedding.

The breakfast table was full of chatter. Only Blake wasn't talking. He'd acknowledge it when someone would say his name or ask him something, but he kept quiet. Opening his mouth risked everything. Blake didn't think he could hide the horror of the situation from his expression. Beside him, Edward pretending to be Daniel laughed at something Link said. Edward had been holding Blake's leg since the beginning of breakfast.

As soon as Blake spoke, Edward squeezed his leg and drove his nails into Blake's skin. A valley of bruises were blooming across his thigh. It was already sore and struggling just made it worse, made it hurt more. That hand might as well be around his throat.

"Are you not hungry?" Damien asked Blake.

"Um," Blake needed to take a breath and this time, he expected Edward's hand to tighten. "Um, not really. I think the wedding nerves are finally getting to me."

That made Adele chuckle. "I hardly remember mine..." she reached across the table for Etienne's hand. He scooped hers up and pressed a kiss to her knuckle. "Etienne's mother was pretty sure I was going to make a run for it."

Blake forced a laugh when Frances swept into the dining room. He came in hot, and his eyes searched the table. His brows narrowed. "Where's Ignacio?"

"We're at breakfast," Edward said, using Daniel's voice. Blake couldn't stand it. He couldn't look at him. "Why would the assistants be here for breakfast? Michael isn't here either."

"But..." Frances chewed on his thoughts.

Blake opened his mouth to try to say he was fine, but Edward gripped him again. This time so hard, Blake could feel his bones crushing. He hid the pain by taking a sip of his water. Edward spoke up instead. "Actually, Ignacio has been let go."

"What?" Frances's eyes widen. The entire table was flooded with surprised reactions.

Michael had a similar reaction earlier and started asking questions. He'd spent enough time with Blake and the group to know how close they all were. Edward silenced him, which gave Michael another surprised reaction. Edward told Michael, "We're not friends, Michael. If I needed someone's opinion, I'd ask my father. Not the help."

Those words cut Michael deep, Blake could tell and it took everything Blake had not to try to take it back. Michael just gathered himself up, fixed his suit, and apologized. Shame ran through Blake as he watched Michael bow.

He still flinched at the memory.

"I realized his presence wasn't necessary." Edward shrugged. "He didn't do much. Michael is more than capable of handling mine and Blake's schedule. He was practically do it anyways."

"And he left? Just like that?" Frances asked.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked through the pain.

"I'm..." Frances started to say but remembered where he was and who his audience was. "I'm going out."

"Frances?" Link called after him. "Hey, wait up!" Quickly wiping off his mouth, Link jumped up and ran after Frances. He came back a second later to grab his coffee and then, he was off running again.

"I hope everything's alright," Adele said, her eyes trained on the door.

"To be young," Clay whispered as he grabbed what was left of Link's plate, shoveling the food onto his.

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