Did It

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Author pov

Shouting of disagreements and agreements can be heard from outside the door of the noisy room. "I say we should hire youngmin he looks good and look at his physical body appearance he can catch the footballs fast." Some were agreeing while other disagreed. "No no no I say Kim hyun he looks great."

Everyone was going on about who they want to pick, but there was one person that sat in the corner that wanted to speak up but was a little scared to voice his opinion a little.

"EVERYONE SHUT IT HOW ABOUT WE HAVE FELIX VOTE!! Everyone looked at Felix and felt so many eyes on him. Yeah he might be apart of a football team but he doesn't like the attention or when the guys suddenly make him decide.

"Yeah Felix you haven't gave your opinion." He looks down at his fingers before saying who he wants. "I- I was thinking about Wooyoung, Jung Wooyoung the one with the purple hair." Everyone fell silent, they have forgot about the nervous cute boy that came in there that day.

"Ooo that guy I totally forgot about him. I mean he did look like he can do the job." Seungkwan said but then the number male spoke which is Ten. "Yeah but did you see how he came in with that stuff on his shirt.

"He only came in like that because those knuckleheads bump into him making their coffee fall on him and I was there to see it all I even had to step in after they called him the F-word." Everyone knew what that F-word meant. No it's not fuck it's was the the another word.

"I guess but what about the other two" everyone sat down and thought on each three and started to voice their thoughts even with the manger present.

"Well I think we found our water/ball fetcher boy"

Wooyoung POV

After having my nap I start to have an tea party with all my plushies while channie makes the food. "Noe Mwister Ken you ne-ne to drwink tea." I pour the Tea making sure not to spill it.

After having the tea party I start to feel like I need to pee pee. " CHANNIE!!" I hear fast foot steps making its way to the living room. "What's wrong Wonnie is everything ok." He checks my face making sure there isn't any bruises or anything.

I look at him then point to my bottom. "peeeeeeeee" I hear him chuckle at my words. "So looking like you need a pamper change." I nod my head wanting to get out of this wet thing. Channie grabs my hand bringing me to the bathroom. 

After changing my diaper channie brings me to my room. "How about a movie before Yunho makes his way back." I nod and smile at the thought of watching a movie.

"Channie umm cwuddle pleessh." I make grabby hands at him wanting him to be close to me. "Sure just let me put on We Are Bare Bears movie." I nod and wait for him to join me.

Once he puts on the movie he hurry and makes his way to my bed and cuddle me. I love Channie hugs they are so warm but their not better than yun hugs.


I'm so tired from work the only thing I want to do is sleep. I know I can't do that since Wooyoung will probably be up. Don't get me wrong I love taking care of him but on the days I'm tired and can't do it. I'm so thankful for haechan being there when I can't.

Once I make it to the house I prepare myself for what I might have to clean or fix. I open the door to s a surprisingly a clean house and everything in place. Don't get me wrong haechan does make sure things are clean but Wooyoung sometimes gets out of control so I don't blame him.

"I'm home" I take my things off maneuvering through the house to his room. Soons when I open the door I see the sight of both boys cuddled up finishing of the We Are Bare Bear movie. We watch that movie over a hundred times. I don't understand how he's not tired of it.

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