Be Yourself

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Narrator: It's a new day in Animalville! I wonder what our animal friends are doing. [The scene opens up with Birdish in center stage and looking around]

Birdish: Oh, me? Well... I don't really know what I'm doing today. Birder is helping mom, and I don't know where Birdy went.

Narrator: Well, maybe that's not so bad. You have a free day, you can always do something you like.

Birdish: Oh, that's a great idea. Thanks, mysterious narrating voice! [Birdish happily walks to stage right] Wait a minute... I don't know what I like! Let's see, maybe I can... [Fly enters stage upstage left to center stage while beatboxing]

Fly: Yo Birdish! What's good, pal? [Fly raises his hand and makes a peace sign]

Birdish: Hey Fly. What's good? [Birdish walks back to center stage] Uhh, I heard Cat's restaurant is pretty good. Have you been there?

Fly: What? Oh, not that. I mean what's up?

Birdish: Up? Hmm... [Birdish looks up] Oh, that cloud! The cloud is up.

Fly: Dude... Oh well, nevermind. What are you doing today, buddy?

Birdish: I'm just looking for things to do. Birdy and Birder are busy today, so I don't really know what to do.

Fly: Well, you have the day to yourself, that's awesome! You can do whatever you want. I have some free time today as well. What do you like to do?

Birdish: Umm, I don't know. I usually just do whatever Birder and Birdish are doing, it's fun.

Fly: So you don't have anything you like to do yourself? 

Birdish: Not really, I just hang out with my siblings. So what are you doing today?

Fly: Oh you know, just chillin' out here being rad, and super cool things.

Birdish: Wow, I wanna be cool too! Can you teach me?

Fly: Sure thing, my friend. If there's anyone who can teach you, that's ya boy Fly, cause we flies are really, really cool [Fly puts on his sunglasses and gives Birdish a thumbs up. Birdish imitates him]

Fly: Alright, lesson one: The Cool Walk. Just watch this [Fly walks around the stage while making signs with his hands and moving his head up and down] What do you think? Pretty cool, right?

Birdish: That was so cool! I want to try it too.

Fly: Sure, you just have to look smooth. Show me what you got, bud.

[Birdish tries to walk like Fly around the stage, but he doesn't know where to put his hands and it ends up looking like a weird waddle]

Birdish: How did I look?

Fly: Uhh... It was good for your first time, but I think it might be better to just be yourself.

Worm: [Worm enters left to center stage] Fly, hey Fly, I got a joke for you! Wanna hear it?

Fly: Hey Worm! Sure, go ahead.

Worm: Alright, alright. So this mole enters a library and says "Hello, can I have a... hamburger please?" Then the librarian tells him "Sir, this is a library", and then the mole responds "Oh, sorry. (In a whisper) Can I have a hamburger please?"

Fly: [Birdish and Fly laugh while Worm smiles] Good one, Worm. Always nice to hear your jokes.

Birdish: Yes, that was pretty funny. Oh wait, I want to try it too, how do you come up with those jokes?

Worm: Most of the time I just come up with them when something happens. I actually saw a mole eating the other day. Here's another one I thought of last night: So today an astronaut came to my home and asked me to dig up some dirt; when I asked why, he said he was searching for wormholes!

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