Everyone is Special

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Narrator: [The stage opens up with trees, grass, and a small open field] Welcome to the forest. Where animals live together. Do as the must and...

Snake: Wait a minssssss [The narrator was interrupted by a snake voice. Snake enters from left to center stage] Yesssss we don't really need narrationssss. This is a place where I take control and make sure everyone issss ok. I don't want anything to get in my way. Or taking away from a big voice that comes from nowhere. Ssss.

Narrator: I was just doing my job as a narrator.

Snake: Yessss. [snake gives a slight glare at the audience, crosses arms, and talks more evil] I do undersssstand that. I'm sure if you go farther down you will find sssssomething to narrate. [snake exit off of left stage]

Narrator: It seems like we are not welcome here in this part of the forest.As we go down the green forest, we see nothing but trees, grass, and a big rock. A rock that has a caterpillar on it. [caterpillar comes out from behind the rock and walk to right stage]

Caterpillar: I wish I had a friend. [caterpillar walks to center stage]

Narrator: and as the caterpillar crawls and to search.... [The narrator was cut off again by caterpillar]

Caterpillar: Who said that? [Caterpillar starts to look around as the narrator goes silent] Where are you? Do you want to be friends? I'm lost. Can you help me? [fly enters upstage left and starts to fly around] Hello? Wait fly. [caterpillar starts to try to chase after the fly] please wait. Slow down. [fly stops at center stage as caterpillar bumps into fly and both try to catch balance. Fly turns around and faces caterpillar]

Fly: What do you want?

Caterpillar: Do you want to be friends?

Fly: No, I am a fly, and after our little relay race we just had it show that flies are faster than caterpillars.

Caterpillar: Well, first off you had a head start, second, you flew and I crawled.

Fly: Listen. Flies are cool. [fly puts on sunglasses and a hat on backwards and shakes his head like there was music playing] Anyways I don't want to be friends with a small green caterpillar. In other words bye bye.

Caterpillar: Sorry to waste your time. [caterpillar walks to the upstage left and disappears. Fly walks off from stage right at the same time and disappears. Cat enters upright to stage right, the same time the snake enters up left to stage left.]

Snake: Hey, Cat.

Cat: Hello, Snake. [Both walks to downstage right]

Snake: I have ssssomething new for acorn weekend. Want to hear it?

Cat: No. [cat shakes his head nervously]

Snake: I'm going to tell you anywayssss. In 14 days the squirrelssss are having the acorn festival. Of course we have to crash it. I want every single acorn out there. All I need you to do is chase out the squirrelsss. While fly and I take what we can. Of course worm will be part of thisss to. He can keep watch. We will be loved by all.

Cat: [mumbles to self] Not to the squirrels.

Snake: What wasss that, cat? [caterpillar walk from upstage stage left to center stage]

Caterpillar: oh more animals. Maybe they might be more friendly than that fly.

Cat: I said that was a great idea. I mean we do something different every year and still have lots of acorns from last year. Do you think maybe we can skip this year. [snake gives a dark glare at cat and gives a long s sound] Or not.

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