Halloween: Case of the Missing Candy

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Narrator: [scene starts with butterfly, worm, and fly sitting at the table at center stage] It's Halloween night, the day to get spooky, everyone all dressed up and enjoying themselves, having a wonderful time at Cat's buffet boat.

Worm: Hah, how about we all dress up as each other? I will dress as Cat, Cat will dress as fly, and fly will dress as me?

Fly: Dude, that sounds like an awesome idea! We should save it for next year.

Worm: okay

Chameleon: [Chameleon enters left to center stage and sits next to butterfly] Boo, wasn't expecting me, were you?

Butterfly: [Butterfly jumps a little and turns around really fast] No I wasn't. In fact you did scare me.

Cat: [Cat enters upstage right, screaming and running around like a crazy cat] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. IT'S TERRIBLE. [Cat runs front front of the table grabbing the table cloth, runs with it and spilling the cups]

Worm: Our drinks.

Cat: [Mama Bird enters upstage left to center stage in front of the table] There is a table cloth in my claws.

Bird: Cat, calm down. [Cat stops in front of mama bird] Now tell us what is wrong. [Bird takes the table cloth and puts it back on the table somewhat folded]

Cat: The candy is gone!
Butterfly, worm, fly, chameleon: [The rest of the animals stand up and walk around the table] What?!

Butterfly: Who could have done this?

Worm: It must have been the work of someone nearby, perhaps?

Fly: That's so not awesome

Narrator: The group was completely dumbfounded as to how something could be stolen right there at Cat's home and restaurant.

Cat: Worm and Butterfly, let's go investigate this mysterious disappearance.

Chameleon: I'll stay here and watch the restaurant.

Bird: I'll stay with Chameleon and finish with the decorations.

Fly: and i'll just chill. [put sunglasses on]

Cat: Ok sounds like a plan. [Bird and chameleon walk to upstage left and exit. Fly walks to upstage right and exit. Cat, worm, and Butterfly walks to right stage and exit]

Narrator: and so, they began their search throughout the forest, as it was getting dark, looking for clues. They came across a trail of candy wrappers scattered throughout the forest. [cat, worm, and butterfly enters right to stage right]

Cat: Candy wrappers.

Worm: It's our first clue. [Owl enters from upstage left to centerstage]

Owl: Who.

Butterfly: Owl?

Cat: [walks to center stage] Owl. Have you seen anything out of the ordinary or anyone with a bag of candy with my name on it?
Owl: No. I just woke up. But I'll be happy to look around and help out. You should make this known to others.

Worm: [worm and butterfly walks to center stage] You sure?

Owl: Positive.

Butterfly: Okay. I'll contact the local news.

Worm: We have news? [blackout. Stage opens back up with a table on stage left with Squirrel and Fish that is supposed to be in a fish tank. On upstage right Cat's buffet boat is surrounded by animals with Cat, Worm, and Butterfly in front of the crowd. Opossum is in right stage. Cricket is in center stage]

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