Cat's Buffet Boat

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Narrator: [The scene opens up with Butterfly, Fly, Mother Bird, Worm, and Birdy at center stage] Another day in Animalville! What could our animal friends be doing today?

Fly: Man, I'm hungry, and there's no food anywhere. This is so not cool!

Butterfly: Yes, I'm getting hungry as well. I wonder where all the food went. [Worm enters upstage left behind Birdy]

Birdy: If we don't find any food soon... I'm going to find Worm and eat him. [Worm turns around and walks to upstage left and exits]

Butterfly: We really need to find some food, we're all starving here.

Cat: [Cat enters stage right, panting as he moves the boat to center stage] Fear not! Cat's Buffet Boat is here! [Birder and Birdish enters downstage left to center stage]

Fly: The what?

Cat: Remember the boat you gave me a few days ago? Well I thought it would be great to turn it into something that can help others, and what better way to make everyone happy than food!

Birder: Wow, is this the boat we built together, Cat?

Cat: Sure is. I wanted to do something good with it, so I turned into a restaurant! I hope you don't mind.

Birder: Not at all, it looks really nice! Great idea, Cat!

Cat: Hehe, I'm glad you like it.

Bird: Hold up, does that mean that's why we didn't find any food around here?

Cat: Uh... anyway, it's like an all you can eat restaurant, you can even go inside! It worked perfectly. I think there's enough food for all of us there, you should go give it a try! Also, I need help with it....

Butterfly: Well, we were all talking about how hungry we are and Cat does know a lot about food. So I say we should give it a try. [Worm enters from upstage left to center stage]

Fly: Sounds good to me.

Bird: Sure, let's go. [All the animals walk to stage right and exit. blackout. The boat is removed and tables are replaced. Scene opens back up. All of the animals enters right to center stage]

Cat: So this is it! What do you think?

Butterfly: It looks pretty good, Cat. Nice job.

Bird: Hmm, it smells pretty good in there. [Mother Bird walks off stage from upstage right]

Cat: Alright then, just wait here, I'll be right back! [Cat walks upstage right and exit]

Butterfly: What a nice place, isn't it?

Worm: It looks pretty good. I wonder if there's some dirt in the menu.

Fly: Dude, there's dirt everywhere!

Worm: Really? Where?

Birder: Well, you know, the ground?

Worm: Oh wow, you're right! I forgot about that. [Cat enters upstage right to center stage]

Birdy: How can you forget about-

Cat: The food's ready! Here you go. [Cat puts plate of food on the table and the animals sits at the table]

Butterfly: Yum! This looks good!

Fly: Mmm, it really does, I didn't know you were so good at this, Cat.

Cat: Aww, thanks guys, I really like good food, so I tried really hard.

Birder: Thanks for the food.

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