Chameleon that Steals

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Narrator: Ah the land of animalville. [Chameleon enters upstage right to center stage where a ball is at and looks around] a place where animals live together in peace. [Snake and Spider enter downstage left to downstage left]

Chameleon: Where am I?

Snake: ugh another new animal? Can't they just stay out of animalville.

Spider: Yea right! You know we need a sign.

Chameleon: Oh look at that ball, it looks pretty. Should I take it?

Snake: We should tell him that we don't need anyone else here. [Snake and Spider starts to walk to center stage where the chameleon is at. Chameleon starts to walk away from the ball towards Snake and Spider still looking at the ball. The chameleon and Snake runs into each other and Snake falls to the ground] AAAAHHHH

Chameleon: AAHHH [chameleon changes colors]

Spider: You two collided.

Snake: I have been wounded.

Chameleon: Yours over dramatic.

Snake: [Snake stands back up] Where is he?

Spider: Right there

Snake: Where

Chameleon: Here

Snake: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, how did you do that? That was so amazing, could you do it again.

Chameleon: Do what?

Snake: You changed into a different color. that's crazy!

Chameleon: Well that's natural, it happens when I get scared or when someone frightens me.

Snake: All I'm saying is that was amazing, I have never seen anything like that.

Chameleon: Well thank you.

Snake: Well let us introduce ourselves properly, my name is snake.

Spider: And my name is Spider.

Chameleon: Nice to meet you both, my name is chameleon.

Spider: Can we talk, snake?

Snake: Sure, give me one second. [Snake and spider walks to stage left]

Spider: You know he can help us right?

Snake: Help us?

Spider: Yes. it's perfect. He can blend in with his surroundings and get back at Butterfly.

Snake: Oh, yes you're right!!.

Snake: Hey, chameleon, [Both walks back to center stage] I could not help but notice you noticing this nice ball.

Chameleon: Yes I see it, it's beautiful and colourful.

Snake: Great...... let's take off with it.

Chameleon: Why?

Snake: So we can have fun with it.

Chameleon: It might belong to someone and wouldn't that be stealing.

Snake: No. Think about it, chameleon, we could do so many fun things with it. aren't you curious to see how it bounces.

Chameleon: I don't know, I think this is a bad idea.

Snake: This ball could be perfect. we could use it at the beach to play volleyball. Come on, chameleon, take it. take it.

Spider: Snake......

Snake: Take it. sssssssssssssssssssss [with hesitation chameleon grabs the ball and all 3 runs to stage left and exits. Birdy, Birder, and Birdish enter upstage right to center stage]

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