Chapter 58: Blood and Tears

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You both jumped at the loud noise "Captain Levi?!" A panicked voice called through the wooden barrier.

You both immediately jump out of bed and got dressed quickly. As soon as you were decent he opened the door. A soldier you hadn't seen before stood before him. Her eyes were wild with fear. "I've been sent by Hanji sir. They have a message."

"What is it?" Levi ordered, more annoyed and worried. Probably because getting interrupted with you was nothing new to him. 

"There are titans inside the walls"

You and Levi hurriedly followed after the soldier as they led you back to the Stohess District. The area was still in ruins but at least all the bodies had been cleaned up. Blood stained the road in some areas, the yellow cobblestone forever tinted crimson.

Both soldiers and civilians seemed to have been in the process of rebuilding the town when a top portion of the wall had crumbled away. You, along with many others, stared up at the large skinless face peeking out. It didn't look real at first, not until one of it's dull blue eyes moved. A sharp chill ran down your spine as it's lazy eye made contact with yours.

"The's alive?" Your words barely made it past your trembling lips. "How-"

"Levi! [Y/n]!"

You look over to see Hanji waving you both over. Standing next to them was pastor Nick, former pastor of the Church of the Walls. You recognized his face from the meeting with the mayor. His face rapidly changed to anger when he saw you. "What is she doing here?" he demanded, his pointing his wrinkled finger at you.

"What's your problem?" You replied in irritation.

"You're the reason the wall is broken! The Mayor should have locked you up"

Levi scowled "If it wasn't for [Y/n], the whole wall might be gone. Show some fucking gratitude you piece of shit,"

"Whoa, everyone take it easy," Hanji interjected, raising up their palms to calm them both. When both men lowered their glares, they continued "Nick," Hanji began "You mentioned not letting sunlight hit the wall titan, which means you knew it was in there,"

A look of panic washed over the man "Ah yes the sun! We have to get it covered up now!"

"I've already got some people working on it," Hanji replied

"I have to go up there and make sure it's done right!" he argued

Levi scowled "Are you implying we don't know how-"

"That's fine" Hanji interrupted, clearly wanting to deescalate the situation "After all, getting this done is our top priority. Come on pastor, I'll take you up,"

"What's up with Hanji?" You asked Levi as the two of them headed to the wall.

"They must have a plan, I'll leave it to them. Why don't you go find the rest of the squad? Petra, Oluo and Eren should be around here somewhere. Bring them back to headquarters, I'll meet you there"

"Understood," you replied

It wasn't long before you spotted the them, or rather heard them. Oluo was complaining about something with Petra scolding him. She was the one to spot you first as a bright smile lit up her face. "[Y/n]!" she said in excitement as she pushed Oluo aside to get to you.

"Hey! What the heck Pet..." Oluo's words trailed off when he saw you. You swear you saw him smile though it was quickly replaced by irritation.

Just like the Levi

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