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"What the hell?? Where's All Might?!"

Katsuki looked around hastily as he tried to locate the hero that was just in front of him.

The homeless man sighed deeply. He said nothing and stood there with blood dripping from his mouth and piercing blue eyes staring at the boy.

That's when realization set in. Katsuki yelled, with wide eyes. "No way in hell! What the hell happened to you?! How the fu-"

"Please, calm down! This is the secret of my power. I can power up sort of like a um," Toshinori thought for a second before snapping his fingers. "Like those guys at the beach! When they puff out their chest to look buff! Unfortunately for me my time limit of powering up came down to only about three hours a day after that big fight I had a few years back. So I had to take a break just now." He sighed again.

"I may not even be able to get you home."

Bakugou remained silent. He shrugged as he stood up, and stuffed his hands in his pants pocket.

This made them hang lower than they were previously.

"It's fine old man. I can get home. As long as you can get us off of this damn roof top."

Toshinori laughed nervously, "Yeah, I can do that."

He hadn't expected much of a reaction from the boy. But he was at least expecting a few questions.

The hero didn't know it yet, but despite being slick with his words and harsh with his tone, Bakugou was not the type to let things out of his mouth before he thought about them. He'd ask him questions when he could word them without sounding idiotic.

That was, if he ever saw All Might again.

A few moments of silence had passed. "And don't worry. I won't tell your secret All Might."

Toshinori smiled a bit. "Thank you, young Bakugou." Said hero puffed up into his muscle form. "All right! Let's get you back down to earth!"


"Make your way home safely, young Bakugou! And thanks again for agreeing to keep my secret!"

"Tch, whatever. Its no big deal. Bye, old man." All Might watched as Katsuki walked down the path towards his home. Once he was out of sight All Might turned on his heels.

"Now time to get you to the police station." He patted the pockets of his cargo pants expecting to feel the soda bottles that were occupied with sludge villain.

He felt nothing.

"Oh shit."

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