6 | Niall

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Sette. I've gotta be honest, not what I was expecting. It's very pretty and the more that I thought about it, the more I found that it suited her. But hearing it come from her lips was not what I was expecting at all.

I went to the gym with the intention of actually working out and letting go of some of my frustration. I didn't think it would end with Sette and I walking into a pub together. I went to the boxing area because I find that the best method of releasing my anger but when I saw her there, clearly doing the same, I froze.

I hadn't seen her for a few days, which was disappointing to say the least. I had enjoyed her company the first night we met and I think she enjoyed mine, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. I wanted to keep hanging out with her, but Harry's incessant need to work was making that impossible. 

I had asked Harry where she was last night when I was at the club and he told me that she had the week off. I continued to sip on my drink but it was quite evident that I had quickly become bored. Thankfully, Harry and Louis didn't notice, or if they did they chose not to point it out. 

So when I saw her punching the shit out of the punching bag, a smile came across my face. She, however, did not smile when she saw me, rather she rolled her eyes. I threw the idea of us fighting out there, not expecting her to actually want to do it, but her enthusiasm towards the idea made me a little excited. And then a little scared. 

She was a good fighter, that's for sure. I truly think she could have taken me down within the first thirty seconds, but for some reason she chose not too. It seemed like her mind was clouded, because she didn't see my simple moves coming and I know for a fact that that's one of the most important things when becoming a boxer; knowing your opponent.

Just like the idea of fighting, I suggested getting a drink, prepared to get shot down but that didn't come. Sure, there was some clear hesitation written on her face, but she actually said "yes". 

I also managed to persuade her to let me drive her by telling her that she could pick where we went. She squinted sceptically at me, but in the end got in the passenger seat of my black Range Rover. She didn't say anything but I saw her eyes widen slightly when she saw me walking towards my car. 

So that's how we ended up walking into the warm atmosphere of a pub about a twenty minute drive from the gym. I had never seen it before, but it seemed just like your average pub; warm orange lighting, a polished wooden bar on one side and maroon, leather lined booths on the other, and sports memorabilia hanging along all of the walls. 

"Hey Angel." One of the bartenders greeted us as we walked through the door. He was a big man, both in height and width. Width? He had a lot of muscles, okay? He also had a big beard, he seemed to be in his mid to late fifties. I looked to Sette and she just smiled at him, offering nothing more than that. He then shifted his gaze to me walking behind her and he gave me a curt nod, I did the same in return.

Seven | Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now