Polly Gray x OC (slight crossover of the HP AU x PB AU)

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Polly's POV


P- Here we go again *I thought*

Here we are, in another family meeting, talking about the same subject, with the same allegations, and the same information. It gets tiring at some point. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but they are OBSESSED with this family. Let me explain; there is a bit of feud between the Shelbys and the Malfoys and it started with the theory that the Malfoys are witches and wizards and they are trying to curse the Shelby name so the Shelbys can't have heirs to continue the line, and obviously, we are trying to get them to leave us alone, but they won't budge. But I don't believe such nonsense, I mean, why should I? Even if it were true that they are witches and wizards, how can we prove it? They won't just cast a spell that makes things fly in front of our eyes, will they? Of course not! That is what I am trying to tell Tommy, but he won't listen, so I took matters into my own hands. I started to go on tea days with one of the family members of the Malfoy name. Her name is Aolanne, and apparently, she is the sister of Lucius Malfoy, who is the head of the Malfoy house, and she is nicer than I thought she was. She always had a bright smile on her face, and her eyes would brighten every time she would talk about something she liked. Her eyes, oh her eyes were a silverish kind of grey and they held a sparkle that I would only see when her smile is genuine. She always wore long sleeves, but that didn't bother me in the winter, but when summer came around, she would still wear long sleeves and I found that a bit odd. The temperature was 101° and she still wore long sleeves, so I decided to ask her about it, and casually, today was tea day.

PG- Hey Lanne

AM- Hi Pol, how are you?

PG- I'm great, and you?

AM- I'm doing great myself

I couldn't help but smile at that. I had started to develop feelings for the woman, and I don't know whether I am in love, or if it is a crush. I'll guess time will tell.

PG- Hey, I wanna talk to you about something

AM- Go ahead

PG- Why do you wear long sleeves everywhere you go? It's practically burning

AM- *She sighed* Do you promise not to tell Tommy?

PG- I promise *I said without hesitation*

AM- Okay * she said. She then rolled up her left sleeve, and I saw a black skull with a snake moving around it* This is a dark mark. Once you have one, you are bound to serve the dark lord until you die or until he dies, whichever comes first. You can't remove it, and only certain people do bare the mark. I am a witch, Polly, and I have done horrible things. I have killed, tortured, manipulated, and so have the rest of my family. We are not trying to curse your family, we just want to have a simple talk, and call it a truce

My mind was blown away. So half of the rumor was true, and the other half wasn't; lovely (note the sarcasm). I kept quiet because I didn't know what to say. I was shocked really, but not surprised. The look on her face was unexplainable.

AM- Please say something. I want to know what you think about it

PG- I'm shocked, but not surprised. Don't worry, I'll support you no matter what

AM- Thanks Pol, I appreciate it

She pulled me in an unexpected hug. I was shocked at first, but I pulled myself back together and hugged her back. From that moment forward, things started to get better. The Malfoys and Shelbys managed to call a truce, and immediately that happened, Lanne asked me out on a date, we got together, had our fun ;), and got married. Needless to say, my life was perfect.

Hi lovelies, I hope you are doing well. Here you have a little oneshot of Polly Gray. Mind you, I have only seen the first season of PB, so I don't know a lot about the series, but I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to vote and comment, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye lovelies.

One-shots (featuring many milfs)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant