Regina Mills x Reader

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I wish people understood how hard it is to see your best friend be in love with your brother, and it's even worse if you are in love with your best friend. Hello; my name is Ella, Ella Locksley. Some may say I am nice, but to be honest, I'm not. Do you know how they say that without a brain, the muscles don't work? well, I'm the brains of the operation. 

Everyone thinks that Regina is the villain, and she is, but she had help. Who told her that Snow was having a child? ME. Who told her that there is a curse created by Rumplestiltskin that can destroy the kingdom and take us to a new one where she can have everything she ever desired? ME. And who killed the villagers? ME. 

To be fair, without her, my plan wouldn't have come true. I've resented Snow since her birth because, in the end, she is family. If she hadn't been born, nothing would've happened. My mum wouldn't have died, my family wouldn't be poor, and above all, I could've had everything. But I'm getting ahead of myself. It was hard to find someone who hated Snow as much as I do because she is overall a nice person, but after Daniel's death, I found someone. Regina Mills.

To be honest, I don't know when I fell in love with her, or what happened, but all I know is that I will never see her the same way ever again. To me, she was my best friend. My partner in crime if you will, but never in a million years did I expect to fall in love with her. It happened so fast. One day we are chatting over tea, and the next we are in her chambers doing God knows what. I've kissed her before. Fuck, I fucking had sex with her (drunk of course), but I didn't expect what happened a few years later. My brother shows up and steals her from me. They look like two peas in a pod, and if I'm being honest, if I didn't lo- like her, I wouldn't mind them being together. Robin was talking to me a few days ago, and he was asking me for my blessing in order to marry her. He knows she's my best friend, and she doesn't do anything without telling me first. I told him I would think about it, but I don't want to give him my blessing.

If I do give him my blessing, I'm not going to the wedding. It would be too painful to watch. Besides, I'm moving either way. Did I forget to mention? I'm pretty sure I didn't. I found my new plaything. A new victim, someone that will do all my dirty work, her name is Zelena Mills. The same family, only she is more bloodthirsty than her sister. But anyway, let's get down to business. 

As always, I'm stuck in the same room as Robin and Regina. They look like two lovesick birds. If only she looked at me that way, then maybe I wouldn't move away. But here we are.

"I have some news," I said.

That took them out of their trance. Both of them looked at me, curiosity was written all over their faces.

"What is it, Ella?" My brother asked.

"I'm moving away," I said. Not a single bit of emotion showed in my voice.

"WHAT?!?" Both of them screamed.

"I'M MOVING AWAY" I screamed sarcastically 

" I heard that but why?" Regina asked, tears brimming her eyes.

"I think it's best for me and you guys. You guys will start a family soon, and I don't want to be a distraction to you guys." I said. Truth be told, that wasn't the exact reason why I was going to move.

"A family? What do you mean by that?" Regina asked.

"Well, you guy's relationship is at its peak and I believe that you guys will get married soon, so yeah. And Robin; to answer your question, yes, you have my blessing" I said with a little emotion in my voice.

They looked at each other, and they burst out laughing. I was confused, and that made them laugh even harder.

"US, A FAMILY-" Robin tried to say but got interrupted by his own laughter.

"I'm sorry, what was the joke again?" I said sarcastically

"Ella, I don't love Robin. I love you, you idiot" Regina said


Buenos Dias o Buenas Tardes. I hope all of you are doing great. If I'm being honest, I was bored (I'm in school at the time I wrote this) and this came to mind. I hope you guys enjoy this. Please vote and/or comment. Your suggestions are always accepted, and ideas are always appreciated. Have a wonderful day/evening/or night. Adios corazones >3

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