Evil Queen x Y/N

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I wish I could say I didn't know her. Because I did back then and I do right now. I wish I could tell you that seeing her again after so long didn't make me feel something, because it did. And above all, I wish I could tell you I don't miss her, but I can't because everything in me aches for her. 

Maybe it's the way she whispered my name when she saw me. After all, the position she found me in was unsettling, even for me. I couldn't hide it. I couldn't contain it. But the minute her name left my mouth, I regretted it.

You're probably wondering what the hell is happening. If so, here's a little background information for you. The (former) Evil Queen and I go way back. We were friends for as long as I could remember. I supported her when she was Regina and I supported her when she became the Evil Queen. I did everything she wanted, without a single complaint. I loved her in ways no one could fathom, but I guess at some point, she took advantage of my love. She used me in ways I couldn't believe. Sexually, I didn't mind it. It was my dream after all. But when she was using me as bait, or when she used me to kill people, I finally had enough. I left, never to come back. I missed her every day but I didn't regret it. 

The curse hits, I lose my memory, and I'm back in square one. My cursed person fell in love with the Mayor, and that is probably why  I'm here today. Regina had apologized after the curse, and we had built some kind of friendship (again). This time, there was no killing, no using as bait, and no sexual activity. I finally felt happy. I had formed some kind of family, I was dating a cute guy, and everything was well. Regina then makes the dumb mistake to separate the Evil Queen from herself. Don't get me wrong, I supported her in every decision she made, but it still hurt. Hearing the news that the person who used me for so long was back, and was torturing and killing the town scared me. It brought back many unpleasant memories. I was having nightmares again, and while my boyfriend was helping me, I was a nervous wreck. Which probably brings me back to where I am now. 

Right now, the Evil Queen was in front of me, tears about to fall, looking at me like a lost puppy. I was in my bed, crying my eyes out because I was scared. Scared of what she would do to me. My boyfriend was with the Chamings, drinking tea with them. I was alone in the house when she appeared in front of me, ready to attack. My face had paled, and my breath was caught in my throat. She looked at me, and everything around me disappeared. I only saw her. The woman I had fallen in love with. The woman who hurt me in ways no one had before. I think she recognized me because she whispered my name. I looked at her, wondering what was going on in her head. 

I would've been able to read her face if it was a few years ago, but her expression was unreadable. I heard her whisper something under her breath, and she started pacing the room. She was talking to herself, shaking her head, crying ( I think). Before I realized it, I was in front of her, holding her in an embrace. I felt tears in my shirt. I was one or two inches taller than her, so her chin was in my shoulder. She was sobbing, and the sound broke my heart. I brought her to my bed and let her lay with me. Right now I didn't care about the fact she used me in every way imaginable. The woman in front of me was the Regina I once knew, and I would give anything to bring her back. I loved this woman, and I still love her. And everything me in screamed to back away, but I couldn't. Not now. She was back. My Regina was back, and nothing would tear me away from her. Not again.

A/N- This came out more angsty than I imagined it, but I don't mind it. I hope you liked this. I have some requests I must do, and I will get to those at some point. But this one came to me and I had to write it. Adieu my loves :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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