Polly Gray x Reader (But Reader is ill)

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Polly's POV


I was pacing in the living room, once again, for the tenth time in an hour. My life, my other half, my everything was lying in a bed with a sickness that has a high percent chance of killing her in less than 24 hours. How did we get here? I don't know. How did she get the disease? I don't know. Will she survive? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW AND THAT PART SCARES ME! All I know is that she has a disease and there is a high percent chance she will die. Why is this happening to me and her? Everything was going great. We had our house, we had our family, we loved each other to the moon and back, everything was perfect, yet sometimes the universe is cruel. They say life is not fair, and at first, I didn't believe that, I mean, why should I? My life was perfect so far and everything I did, it succeeded, but that is until Y/N fell ill, then I understood. Life's not fair to even the people who do good in this world, and Y/N was proof of that. She would always stop on our way back from the market to give homeless kids some food so they could fall asleep with a full tummy, she would try to make sure people aren't fighting, she was nice to everyone (even if they weren't nice in return), she was perfect. How I wish everything would have stayed the same. Where Y/N didn't fall ill, and our lives could continue to be perfect, but I know that wouldn't happen. My brain was spinning until I heard a voice I come to love so much

Y- Pol *She said in a low voice, almost a whisper, but I heard her*

P- I'm coming, baby. Just give me a second

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water, and went to the room. I could stay with Y/N since the disease wasn't contagious. I gave her the glass of water and she nodded in gratefulness

P- How are you?

Y- Barely alive, but still alive, nevertheless *She said in a low voice, with a chuckle coming after she said those words*

P- You know that if it was possible, I would take all the pain away so you don't have to feel it anymore, right?

Y- I know, Pol. I know.

P- You want anything?

Y- I have one request. I want you to paint my nails the same color you painted yours

P- *Before answering I chuckled* Sure, baby. Let me grab it real quick

I practically ran to my office where I had left it last time. I saw it quickly, grabbed it and speed walked to our bedroom.

P- Here we are

Y- Yay *She said in a whisper. I could tell it was starting to become difficult to speak for her*

I started to paint her nails carefully. I didn't want to mess it up, as this was my girlfriend to who I was painting nails for. You could tell I loved her very much even from a mile away. Once I finished painting her nails, I raised her hands so she could see her nails.

Y- They look lovely, dear. Hey, could you open the window for me? The nail polish smell is really strong

The window faced the other way from the bed, so I had to turn my back to open the window. Once I opened the window, I asked

P- Hey, Y/N. Is this better?

I didn't hear an answer

P- Y/N?

I still couldn't hear an answer

P- Y/N?!

When I went to the bed, Y/N had her eyes wide open, but I could see that she was staring ahead

P- Y/N!!

I checked for a pulse, to confirm that my worst fears weren't true, but I couldn't find one. I put my hand on her chest to see if I could hear a heartbeat, but I couldn't hear anything


Tears were starting to run on my face and I couldn't stop them. 

P- NOOOOO * I screamed to no one in particular*

I felt dead. Like a part of me was ripped to pieces, and I couldn't get it back. I sobbed to what felt like days but were in fact hours. My baby was gone, and I couldn't move on. 

After the funeral, I cried, and cried, and cried until there were no tears left to cry (no pun intended). I couldn't move on, and I never did. The only reason I didn't kill myself was that I had a family to sustain, and a family to take care of. A part of me died with her that night, and I never felt complete ever again.


That chapter was rough. I hope you enjoyed it. I got some inspiration from Grey's Anatomy, so that is why this chapter feels a bit familiar. Make sure to vote and comment, and I will see you guys on the next one. Bye, lovelies

One-shots (featuring many milfs)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora