Chapter 2

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Quackity was the first to emerge from the group of sleeping boys. He gave a groan and attempted his escape route. It didn't work. He was trapped against Karl and the wall. Or so he thought.

Karl was up and about. He was looking at his watch and pacing across the floor. Something didn't feel right. Quackity almost got caught, so he quickly hid his face, watching Karl.

Karl was muttering something to himself. "I can't leave them, but I have things to do... I hope this doesn't take long.." he mutters to himself, before pressing a few buttons on the watch.

A portal had appeared in front of the joyful boy. Quackity's eyes widened as he watched Karl step through the portal. It then closed up, leaving the two boys in the room alone with one another.

Just as Quackity was about to wake Sapnap up, he stepped back through the portal and left to go to the kitchen. Quackity was now very lost.

Karl's p.o.v

Today is the day. I have to go stop Ranboo in his tracks today. He died the last time I didn't do anything. He thought to himself.

"I can't leave them, but I have things to do... I hope this doesn't take long..." he mutters before holding a finger down on his watch. He typed in a code to open up the portal. He then typed exactly what day, year and position he wanted to be in.

He had felt someone looking at him, but the two on the bed were still passed out. He shrugged it off as paranoia and stepped through the portal.

Once he stepped out of the portal, he was behind some bushes so no one would see him walk out of the portal. He ran out from behind the bushes and grabbed Ranboo's sleeve.

"What-? Karl? What are you doing here?" Ranboo noticed Karl was slightly out of breath. He had run a long way just to catch up with him.

"It doesn't matter, I just wanted to see what you were up to, dude" Karl had come up with a lie on the spot.

"Well I dunno man. I was walking to Tubbo and I's house after visiting Tommy. He said he had something for me and just threw eggs at me." Ranboo was in fact covered in egg shells and yolk.

"Why don't I walk you home and we can talk about Tommy?" Karl was trying his best to stay by Ranboo's side. He knew if he didn't he would get killed.

Ranboo nodded and the two of them conversed about how terrible Tommy was for pranking Ranboo like that.

Once they made it to Ranboo's home, Karl nodded farewell and took a turn down an alleyway. That was odd to Ranboo, but he shrugged it off.

Karl then typed back in his home numbers and stepped back through the portal. He then made his way to the kitchen.


After all three of them were awake, they all ate breakfast and began to stream once again. Karl, of course, introduced the stream as always.

"Welcome chat! Today we're playing golf with your friends!" Karl calls out cheerfully. "Niki and Wilbur will be joining us today and then it will be a Q and A stream!" Karl finishes his thoughts and joins the discord call.

They played the game until Niki and Wilbur had to go to bed. Karl then switched the camera over to just the webcam and pulled Quackity and Sapnap closer.

"Ask away chat! We'll answer as many questions as we can" Karl began to spin in his chair while they waited for questions.

"Are you three dating?" Sapnap read out loud from the chat. "We aren't, chat." Sapnap sounded genuinely upset, which Karl and Quackity both picked up on.

"Do you have any pets, Karl?" Karl read out loud. "Unless you count these two, no" Karl erupted into a fit of laughter, loving the joke he had made.


After answering Q and A's for a while, Quackity's phone started ringing, so he proceeded on his way out of the room.


"Hi Quackity"


"What are you doing?"

"I'm with Karl and Quackity"

"Ugh.." Schlatt gave a growl. "Why are you with those two?"

"Because I care about them. They're my favorite people."

"Quackity. Listen to me. I love you, you don't need them"

"You what?"

"I love you."

"Sorry. I like Karl and Sapnap. Goodbye Schlatt." With those words, Quackity hung up and slowly made his way back into the room. His aura was much different than before.

Karl's head turned towards Quackity. "Welcome back, the chat missed you while you were gone" Karl noticed the look in his eyes was different than before, but didn't want to start anything while streaming.

Quackity gave a laugh. "Your chat is so clingy Karl" he shook his head, playing his feelings off as if he wasn't just confessed to.


After the three ended stream, Karl turned towards Quackity with a stern look. "What happened? You don't seem happy."

"Just.. Someone I know called me" Quackity was honest, without trying to make the other two worried.

"That doesn't tell us anything." Sapnap joins in on the conversation. "You need to tell us what happened or we can't help make you feel better"

"Someone I know called me and asked me what I was doing. They then said I shouldn't hang out with you two because they love me." Quackity wasn't saying who it was. He didn't even want to say what he did.

"Who was-" Sapnap begins, but gets cut off. "I don't want to say who it was, Sap" Quackity glared at the two of them. He cared about Schlatt. He wasn't sure in what way.

"Okay, sorry for asking.." Sapnap was agitated at the fact he got snapped at, but he wasn't going to snap at Quackity.

"Well what did you say back?" Karl was intruiged now. He wanted to know everything. He needed to know everything. He didn't know what the universe was going to be like from here on.

Word count: 1016

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