Chapter 3

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"Well what did you say back?" Karl's words hung in the air. Quackity wasn't sure how to respond.

"I told them I care about you guys and I don't care what they think" he gave them both a forced smile and pulled his knees close to him.

"We care about you too. Hopefully they leave you alone" Karl pipes up, before he fell out of his chair. "Ah-!" He helps as he lands on the ground. He erupted into a fit of giggles, not phased.

Sapnap offered a hand out to Karl and hoisted him back up. "You're stupid sometimes" he shakes his head as a smile spreads across his face.

"That's mean!" Karl crosses his arms in a fake pout. "Hmph!" He sticks his tongue out at Sapnap.

Quackity could hear his phone buzzing with texts. He decided to look at them while the other two were busy fighting.

"Alex.. Don't ignore me"
"I love you"
"You're the only one I love"
"Answer me"

They were all texts from Schlatt. He gave a sigh and shook his head.

"What do you want?" He responded, leaning onto his kneecaps while he waited for a response.

It didn't take long before the typing bubble showed up. Then a response.

"I want you. Go on a date with me I'll pay"

Quackity froze. He couldn't just ignore him.

"Fine. But I get to choose where"

He then switched his phone off and sat it down on his lap. He noticed the other two were throwing things at each other.

Karl got smacked in the face by a pillow. "You jerk!" He calls out, before taking the same pillow and hitting Sapnap in the face with it.

"Oh you are going down!" Sapnap tackles Karl to the floor and pins his hands down beside him so he can't escape. "Alex help me out!" He calls out, fighting against the squirmy Karl underneath him.

Karl's face was bright red. He was trying to fight him off. "Let me go...! Agh-!" He then stopped fighting and gave a whine. He wasn't going anywhere.

Quackity jumped on top of Sapnap. It knocked him down on top of Karl, who made and audible huff. Quackity looked super proud of himself.

Karl groaned out in pain. He was just dog piled without warning and felt like he was being crushed. He had a scrunched up look on his face as he tried to shove the other two off.

Sapnap quickly flipped Quackity off of him and landed next to the two of them. He gave a huff. "Alex you ass! That hurt" he reaches over and flicks his forehead.

Quackity gave a shocked expression and quickly pushed Sapnap to the ground, hitting him with a pillow. It didn't take long for Karl to join in again.


By the time the three of them were out of breath and tired Quackity had realized his phone was going off. He gave a sigh and walked over to pick it up.

"Hello?" Quackity's voice was clearly out of breath. He was taking very uneven breaths while he tried to even them out.

"Hey SugarPumpkin" it was the one person who he didn't really want to talk to. Schlatt.

"Hi..." Quackity's voice trailed off as it sounded saddened. He had always hated that nickname.

"Are you alright?" Schlatt sounded worried, but Quackity knew if he told him he would flip out on him.

"Yeah... When's the...." Quackity took a deep breath. "Date?" He sounded even more upset.

"Tomorrow. Where are we going, my prince?" Schlatt's voice stung in his heart. He didn't want to hear any nicknames from him.

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