Chapter 4

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Quackity's entire body froze. "Que?" He was so flabbergasted and lost he had spoke in Spanish.

"You heard me. Date me and forget about those two" Schlatt's voice rung in Alex's ears. He shivered in response.

Something felt off. "I'll... Date you" he couldn't quite figure out what it was. At the moment he felt excited, but there was a sinking feeling behind it all.


Quackity arrived back to Karl's house after Schlatt had dropped him off. He walked into the house all giggly and made his way to Karl's gaming setup room.

"Alex!" Karl screeched, throwing his headphones off and tackling him to the floor in a great big hug. He had missed him.

"Someone's got a big smile on their face~" Sapnap teases, leaning onto his palm. "I assume it went well then?"

Quackity gave a thumbs up, being suffocated by Karl's sudden hug attack. He gave a muffled sigh of defeat.

Sapnap walked over and retrieved Karl from Quackity. He spun the taller body around so he was now clinging to Sapnap.

"I have a boyfriend" Quackity blurts out after catching his breath.

"WHAT NO WAY" both Karl and Sapnap shouted out, just as shocked as the other was. They exchanged a devious look towards each other.

"I'm happy for you!" Karl yells out, throwing his arms into the air. He had accidentally uppercut Sap in the process.

"Ow fuck! Karl!" Sapnap hisses, holding his jaw which had just been punched on accident.

"I didn't mean to-!" Karl began to excessively apologize, he felt terrible.

Quackity stood back and watched the two of them. He forced a small smile, watching them argue over whether it was on purpose or not. He shifted his gaze to the floor while the smile faded. He felt empty.

That night was the worst. Quackity couldn't sleep. He kept tossing and turning and just felt uncomfy. He was sleeping on the couch again, not wanting to be stuck with the two lovebirds. He groaned and dragged himself to Karl's room.

Sapnap was all sprawled out, Karl having his head on his chest. They were both knocked out.

Quackity carefully crawled over top of the two of them and settled against the wall, where he had slept the first night he arrived here. He then felt arms around him and he happily pushed himself up against the warmth. He then drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning Karl, of course, was the first one up. He gave a soft hum, pulling whoever he was holding closer. They were much smaller than Sapnap. That caused him to open his eyes in confusion. He simply placed a kiss on Quackity's shoulder and buried his face into his back.

Quackity had woke up from him being pulled away from the wall. He felt the kiss, but stayed silent. He was shocked by the sudden show of affection.

Then there was a thud.

"Owwwww...." Sapnap had fallen off the bed and landed in his ass. He gave a groan and simply stared at the roof as if he had given up.

Karl and Quackity peered over the side of the bed. "Are you alright?" Karl was the first one to ask. Quackity was still speechless.

Sapnap didn't respond verbally, he simply gave a thumbs up.

That made Karl giggle. "We should do something fun today!" He calls out suddenly.

"Like what?" Sap turns his attention to Karl. Quackity's gaze fell onto Karl as well. They both were waiting for his input.

"I don't know! Swimming?" He shrugs. That clearly came off the top of his head.

"That... Sounds-" Alex started, being cut off by Sapnap.

"Fun! Let's go!" Nick finished the end of the sentence and the boys proceeded to go get ready. Alex's face was already bright red from thinking about his 'friends' shirtless. This was going to be fun.

Words: 646

Not Everyone Is Perfect (Karlnapity)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora