Chapter 7

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WARNING: suggested r*pe, kidnapping, ab*se, trauma. If you're sensitive to those topics, then skip this chapter.

The boys got to the movies. They were going to see the new Marvel movie that had come out. Karl being slightly more excited than the other two.

"We're almost there, calm down" Quackity gently punches Karl's shoulder as they pay for the tickets and go inside. It didn't take them long to get candy and find the section for their movie. They quickly took the seats in the back, wanting to enjoy the movie without anyone in the way.

They all sat and enjoyed the movie. At least that was what they all thought, until they looked over to where Quackity was sitting, realizing he was gone.

"Sap?" Karl taps on Sapnap's arm. "Where's Q?" He lightly grips onto Sapnap's sleeve.

"What?" Sapnap gets up and pulls Karl out of the aisle. Then he starts to check the seat rows, panicking slightly.

After checking the entire theatre, he pulled Karl out of it. "We have to find him. It's not safe for him to be by himself.. What if someone kidnapped him or- I don't even know. I'm going to hurt whoever took him" Sapnap growls, balling his fists and storming off with a determined expression on his face.

Karl had started calling and messaging Quackity, spamming his phone to hopefully get an answer. He was having no luck, unfortunately.

Meanwhile, Quackity was just now opening his eyes. He found himself in a dark room, with a very dim light. The walls and floor were concrete. And cold. He could feel the coldness of the floor from where he lay. He wasn't quite sure where he was. That was until he heard loud footsteps approaching him.

There he stood. Schlatt. Just barely visible in the small light. He grinned, walking over towards Quackity and leaning down. "Good morning, sleepy. Not that it's morning. But you took your time waking up.."

"Wh-" Quackity quickly sat up, backing against the wall. He could hear his phone going off in the background. He recognized the ringtone. It was Karl. He stayed against the wall, feeling as if he was prey, trying to hide in plain sight.

"Oh don't look so scared. It's only me. Your boyfriend" Schlatt was talking in a very provocative tone. He seemed agitated by something. Quackity didn't want to know what.

"Where... Are we..?" Quackity takes a deep breath, shivering from the feeling of the cold walls. It was freezing down here. He could barely sit still without shaking from the cold.

"You were spending so much time with them. I just missed you. You're mine. Not theirs. You should be with me. All the time." He hisses out, he felt threatened by Karl and Sapnap. "I want you to myself."

Quackity tries to back into the wall more, jumping at the hiss in his tone. "I- they're my best frie-"

"Shut it." His voice booms above Quackity's, causing the poor duck to silence himself. He closed his eyes, flinching from how loud he was. He didn't dare open them back up. But then... He felt something on his lips. What? He opened his eyes back up, only to see he was kissing him. He pulled away quickly, scooting away from him.

"You're going to regret that." Schlatt grips onto his shirt, pulling back, balling his fist and... A loud smack can be heard. He punched Quackity straight in the face. Right on his eye. "Now be good. And listen."

Quackity gave a gasp, but he slowly nodded. He was hoping that Sapnap and Karl would find him soon. He was terrified. Meanwhile, Schlatt was starting to get restless. He was roughly pulling on Quackity's clothes and nipping at his skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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