Chapter 2

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A boy who's fixing his things inside the almost dark classroom, he is the only student inside of the classroom, because his classmates are on the outside looking at him and gossiping about him.

He just hide his face using his long hair because he feels ashamed.

Meanwhile, from the outside of the room, there is Joy who look away from the lonely boy, she then lean her body against the wall then fix her make up.

"just one week and he looks so run down" Joy said in disbelief then stop fixing her make up and face Yeri who still looking at the lonely boy, "I hear he's quit school of his own accord" Joy added, Yeri then look at Joy for a moment then look again at the lonely boy "He came back today to collect his stuff"Joy added while continuing fixing her makeup

"If I were him, I wouldn't have the cheek to come back" Yeri said while still looking at the lonely boy

Meanwhile Jennie and Esther arrived at outside their classroom, they just talking when suddenly they heard their classmate gossiping about something.

"Such a disgrace"

"Look at him, he's just like a woeful spirit"

"Poor chap"

"Go talk to him" A girl student said to her friend while looking at the lonely boy

"No way!, F4 might find out"Her friend said while looking at the lonely boy too

And then the lonely boy walk out to the classroom, then walk in the middle of his classmates and schoolmates who keeps gossiping about him and looking at him.

The lonely boy just keep his head down, and used his long hair to hide his faced, while everyone like Yeri and Joy are just laughing at him or just like Jennie and Esther who's looking at him with sympathy.

Suddenly the books of the boy fell down, he then pick it up with difficultly, because his whole body are aching, Jennie was about to walk to the boy and help him, when Esther hold Jennie's arm.

"No, Jennie, think about what F4 will do to you if you help this guy" Esther said sadly

Jennie then looked at the boy who's already picking his books, Jennie then look at Esther to protest.


"Lian(The lonely boy's name) is forced to quit school because he offended F4 last week" Esther said sadly


"F4? Big deal! You think everybody is afraid of you!?, Not me!" Lian bravely said

The four boys suddenly stop walking then faced Lian.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" The tall girl with a short hair and a Little eyes said seriously

The next day, when Lian opened his locker, he saw a red card with a message that says "YOU'LL BE DEAD" and a big F4 in the middle of the red card.

And then his schoolmates start to gossiping about him.

"He's got a red warning"

"He offended F4"

"Serves him right"

And then all of the people around him suddenly stay away from him like he have a disease.

*End of flashback*

The boy just picked up his books one by one, while Jennie just stared at the boy sadly.

Suddenly their professor came.

"What's going on here?" The prof asked his students

Jennie was about to explain what was happening when Yeri beat her.

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