Chapter 3: I. Am. Not. Cute.

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The club reinstated back to it's previous state as soon as I left the dance floor; crazy, nutsy once again. Cocophonous sounds of head-splitting screams and blaring, deafening music suffused the place.

That fucker Mil had persistently fucked my mind and my head felt like it will rupture anytime soon. It was ready to boutade, there was almost no stopping to that. Triggered, it was. In fact, I was triggred. I wanted to roar, scream and articulate all of my frustrations, vent out my botteled up rage with someone and my mind could only render the idea of a certain someone that it should not.

But oh well.

I must've gone crazy beyond repair; ludicrous to seek comfort from someone whom I just met. It hadn't even been some four hours or so, since I met him. Two of my friends; Joss and Gulf were there with me on the dance floor but I was already making my way towards the pretty stranger before I knew it. It was bizzare and moronic to even think of, but fuck it! I did what I did!!

Mil had peeved me to the point I got over sensetive. I had become irascible and chippy. The crowd in the club didn't help much. Everytime someone touched me or collided with me, I felt another wave of rage reside in me. I wanted to just beat the shit out of peoples, but I was better than that, I had learned to control myself (Though from the way I was seeking this stranger, my self control appeared to be much weaker than I'd like.).

The closer I got to the bar, the better I felt. Was it anticipation to be with the inordinately handsome stranger? I didn't know and I couldn't care any less. My resentment and vexation towards Mil truned into exhilaration. I was thrilled, wanting to see those black eyes again, wishing to lock my own brown ones with them and slowly lose myself.

It felt like that murderous smile could soothe me, calm me and I had to find out why. His smiles were dicey and well, I was a willing victim. Why was I thinking of him when I couldn't even think straight? I was fucking attracted to him like some iron to a magnet. Those eyes and that deep voice held immense power, maybe just on me but, the power was there, in it's intense form. He was bewitching and captured my fascinated attention.

When I finally crossed the flocks of drunken bodies and the bar at last came into my eyesight, I could see a stranger serving the customers; drunken, inebriated customers. I could feel my shoulders loosening along with my fading exicitement. He wore the same crispy white button down shirt, paired with black slacks. He also had a flirty smile bejeweling his pale face, but he wasn't my stranger.

Someone else.

With the fading excitement and rising displeasure, I made it to the bar. The man smiled at me, the same way my stranger had. He too, was a sweet talker and definitely a flirt. It did nothing but increased my disappiontment. It seemed as though it was just their proffession to charm and entice people. Was my stranger good to me just because of his work? Was I reading too much into things?

The rancour and sadness was too evident on my face, the man must've noticed. He gave me a strange look when I kept my eyes running as if I was looking for something. "What's it khun? May I help you? Looking for someone?" Came a question.

I gave him a small smile while contemplating whether to ask him or not. But fuck it, he didn't know me and I shouldn't care. "Someone else was here before you." I asked, little bit of hesitation in my tone.

"The one with slightly tanned skin, lips that could make you thirsty, a face that could bring angels to shame and eyes that held universe." I blurted out before I realised. Gods!! Embarrasing. I must've looked desperate.

The man laughed with abandon and I felt my face heating, my eyes looked anywhere but him while I realised the description was a little too detailed. I went a little overboard, didn't I?

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