Chapter Twenty-Five

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“Did you see his arms?” Arya asked wide-eyed as Fezzik disappeared into the crowd. “They were huge.”

“And rhyming? That was the big answer?” Hermione said, clearly not impressed.

“Well, it’s not like your magic would do us any good here.” Binny raised her eyebrows.

“Well, what next then, on your ‘turn-back-the-clock’ agenda.” Hermione asked.

“I guess we should go to the library and do some research.” Binny said, not exactly sure of how to proceed.

“I’m afraid I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” Michel said.

“None of us are exactly detectives.” Katniss said.

“Would my sword be of any use in finding the Doldrums?” Arya asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“All you want to do is cut something – or someone, with that stupid sword of yours.” Hermione said.

“At least my sword does something.” Arya chided.

“Temporarily anyway.” Katniss added.

Binny had been walking on auto-pilot, lost in thought, when she turned to Katniss. “Wait, what did you say?”

“I was just saying, any damage she does with her sword won’t last.”

“No, before that.”

“Uh, that none of us are detectives?” Katniss said.

“Right. A detective. We need a detective.” Binny said.

“What do you think, there are detective agencies opening up shop in here?” Hermione asked.

“No. But we have the best fictional detectives ever. All we need to do is find one!” Binny exclaimed.

“Holmes.” Michel said quietly.

“Right. Sherlock Holmes. Nobody’s better than him.” Binny asked.

“I’m partial to Watson.” Katniss said.

“I’ll take Encyclopedia Brown if I could get him.” Binny joked.

“That’s the problem. We’re sitting here surrounded by some of the best detectives, how are we gonna find them?” Arya said.

“I can find him.” Hermione broke her silence.

Everyone turned to face her.

“Holmes?” Binny asked.

“No.” Hermione said.

“Then who?”



“Try to behave please. We typically don’t bring others here.” Hermione said before she opened the door.

Binny thought to herself, Who’s we? but didn’t say anything. Binny walked through the open door.

Arya squealed with delight. Running through the large entrance hall over to the mantelpiece, she pawed the miniatures sitting there. “They’re so adorable.”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Why must you touch everything?”

“What do you care?” Arya asked.

“You are my guest here. Can you just please act like it?” Hermione lectured.

Katniss watched the back and forth between Hermione and Arya, the wheels in her mind turning. “Hermione, what is this place?”

“It’s Pemberley of course.”

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