chapter 5

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Once we were at the mall and did a quick make up check we walked inside together.

The first place we went to once inside the mall was forever 21 one of my favorite stores. We looked around for a little bit and I bought me a pair of  dark blue shorts and a purple tank and a pair of black flats. I love fashion and I always try to have the nicest clothes. I didn't care if they were designer or they came from a thrift shop actually I loved thrift shopping a lot of cute clothes for cheap.

Chloe bought a red sundress that came down a little past her knees and a pair of black gladiator sandals. She looked great in the dress to be honest I was always kind of jealous of Chloe she had bleach blonde hair big blue eyes and she was just beautiful. But were best friends and nothing could change that hopefully. The next place we stopped at was american eagle I love their jeans, I got four pairs of jeans 3 light blue skinny jeans with holes and 1 pair of dark blue flared out jeans. Chloe didn't buy anything though because she didn't see anything she liked.

Next stop food court I said Chloe looked at me with a smile on her face and said great .

We headed to the food court and ordered pizza my favorite.

We were sitting at a table eating when my phone ring.

It was the roane county police department.

I told Chloe that I was gonna take this call in private so I went to the bathroom.

Hello I answered

Oh yes is this Sadie Thompson

Yes it is may I ask why you're calling

Yes mam we just wanted to let you know that we caught the man who raped you and he will be locked away for a long time

Oh wow that's great thank you so much for calling!

Okay mam now have a nice day

Yeah you too

And with that I pressed the red button on my phone and walked out of the bathroom happily now everything bad is behind me I have nothing else to worry about

Something that happened a week ago will be left I'm the past forever something bad and I'm glad they caught him so he can never hurt another person.

I walked back to our table and sat down.

Hey girl everything okay Chloe asked

Yeah everything's great

Good she replied back

I didn't know if I should tell Chloe about the rape or not but I knew I was gonna tell her about me and michael.

I would also tell my mom as soon as we got home

Chloe can we talk a minute

Yeah she said

Okay well the other night Michael came over and no one was home but me and well we did it.

Oh my goodness I can't believe it you finally lost your v- card go Sadie she whispered cheered for me.

Yeah I know it was so great.

Have you told your mom yet she asked

No not yet I'm going to later though so she can put me on birth control.

Good idea.

Well Im done shopping wanna go home Chloe asked yeah let's go I said. And we headed home.

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