chapter 1

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Why why why......

Why did I run away from home,just because me and my mom got into a arguement if I would have just listened I wouldn't be in this cold dark room Scared  my life. I would still have my virginity,I wouldn't have gotten raped by some 30 year old something guy who smells like cigarettes and beer. I don't even know how I ended up here,last thing I remember I was sitting at the park on a bench freezing.

Maybe I fell asleep and he bought me here.

I do remember waking up here with some old nasty man on top of me,he had his clothes off and mine. I screamed for help but he said that there was no use. Nobody could hear me,nobody at all. When he was done with me. He tied me up and left.

Now I'm here all alone, I need to figure out how to get away from this all how to get back home.

Hello, anybody in here I heard a male voice call out, I didn't know if it was the man from last night so I started screaming help somebody please help. Mam I'm here to help you I head the man yell back. Just then I felt the rope on my arms being untightened. I tried to quickly stand up but when I did I felt dizzy. So the man led me to a nearby chair and he asked me how long have you been here. I told him everything that happened. About the fight with my mom,how I ran away, how I was sitting on a park bench and the next thing I know I woke up here with the man on top of me. He then offered me to take me to the police station. I agreed to go with him because he was nice enough to help me out of here. He led me to where his truck was and he helped me inside.

He was a brown haired man,with a beard kind of shaggy curly hair he looked like maybe he was in his maybe early 20's.

So I never got to ask you what your name was he interupted my thoughts.

Oh my names Sadie what's yours?

My names what made you want to run away from home any way if you don't mind me asking

Stress it makes me crazy, I'm always doing something to run away from my problems or to try to make me forget about them.

Your not one of those weird emo chicks that cut their selves a for fun are you.

Well I'm not emo and being emo is not weird its how people express their personality,and yes I do cut myself if you must know but nobody does it for fun,its a way of releasing all the pain out of your body.

Its an addiction to me,and honestly I don't care what you think of me or anybody else. I don't know why I was so mad at him I guess just because the way he was saying things.

Okay don't get all defensive nick shot back at me.

I'm sorry I just don't like when people judge people. Nobody was put on this earth to be judged but yet everyone still does even the man that put us on this earth is always judging us.

Im not saying that I don't believe in god or Jesus Christ but I'm saying that people should be aloud to have a free life.

You can't do anything in this world with out sinning.

You're a really smart girl you know that, nick asked me.

Yeah I guess so,I answered his question back.

How old are you anyways nick asked.

I'm 15 years old and I'm a freshman in bridge port high school.

Anymore questions?

Well,no not exactly but we're here at the police station.

As nick pulled into a parking spot,I unbuckled my seat belt and opened my door.

I got out of the truck, and walked to the front door of the police station with nick walking slowly behind me.

When we got inside we were quickly seen by an officer with the name tag officer franks.

I told him everything that happened to me, and how i ended up at the park and the building.

I told him everything I remembered about the man,he said he would try to find him. Then nick and I left.

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