Chapter 8

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omg I'm such a douche nugget cause I was like "I'm back yay see you soon!" and now here we are 83 eternities later. hi there <3 sorry that I suck so much at updating /.\

Omg but dude. People are actually reading this???!!! I can't believe it haha. Thank you so much c:



I wait a few minutes, and then shakily stand. I have to pretend like I just woke up. How do I pretend nothing just happened?

Can I pretend nothing happened?

I have to try. I walk out, slowly putting on a tired façade and just hoping he won't suspect that I was awake.

"Hey, sleepy head," he chimes from the couch as I enter the room at an unsteady pace. Calm down, Dan. He obviously doesn't even consider that you are aware of what he just did.

"Hi," I choke out awkwardly. Well, now you've done it, idiot.

"Are you ok?" Phil questions, obviously noticing that something is up.

"Yeah! Yeah. I just had a really weird dream and I'm still trying to process it is all." The lie rolls smoothly off my tongue, and he seems satisfied with it.

Part of me wants to ask him why he did it. Then again, there's only a couple reasons I can think of.

"You should probably get to bed, if you're that tired," he suggests. I blink too many times. "What?"

"You fell asleep just from laying down in bed for a minute. That must mean you're tired," he reasons with me.

This is the first time in a while that you've been lecturing me about my health.

But instead of saying this (or anything for that matter), I just nod my head, and grab my laptop off the couch where I left it before quickly exiting the room and walking to mine.

I'm still trying to kick myself out of my panicky state. Well, at least now he can't see it. What do I do?

I can't say anything. I've already lied to him. Not that I was going to say anything in the first place.

But then again, can I really just live life normally when I know that my best friend might secretly be in love with me? There's no way to bring it up though.

"Hey, so like, you kissed me and stuff and I was just wondering if that means that you want to be with me or something?..." is definitely not a sufficient solution.

And plus, I wouldn't want to risk affecting his emotional state in a negative way again.

I've always sucked at keeping things to myself.

Finally, an idea hits me. I reach in my pocket grab hold of my phone.

Pj. He's the ideal person to talk to in this kind of situation. With fingertips filled with nerves, I type, "Peej we have a problem" into my phone and send it.

I wait for five minutes or so, and my phone vibrates.

"and what would that be captain?"

"I don't know if that's the right way to use that"

"whatever. what's the problem"

I hesitate, contemplating what he could possibly say.

"You can't tell ANYONE about this, ok?"

It took a little longer to get a response this time.

"ok then...shoot"

My fingers shake, and it takes me several times to get it typed right.

"Phil kinda kissed me and idk what to do because he did it when he thought I was asleep and so he doesn't know that I know and idk I'm really lost"

I can almost see Pj in front of me with that expression that's just so...Pj.

"I wouldn't say anything for now - just keep on living as usual and look for little signs and stuff. Phil's never been the greatest actor if we're being honest so I'm sure that if there's any feelings there you'll see them through the mask. We should all get together soon; maybe to distract him and also make him feel better. Hm?"

He always was better at thinking of solutions than me.


Okay. Phew. Okay. There it is after almost half a year. I got caught up in school, (high school is hard ew -.-) and then it slipped my mind during my two second summer. Hopefully I can update sooner now. Until next time, my fluffies :3


(If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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