Chapter 5

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Hello! This isn't going to be an interesting author's note...yeah. Enjoy!



I see a bottle on the floor. It's broken. Did I drink out of it? Did I put it there? I can't remember. I stare at it for a long time.

Nope, can't remember. Wandering towards the doorway, I almost trip over it. Then, I proceed to run right into the door. Damn that glass...thing.

Everything begins to go blurry. Good night.


My eyes flick open. A headache greets me; I should have known drinking never ends well for me. But for some reason, I always keep a couple of bottles in places where Phil will never look.

The light through the window glares into my sensitive pupils. It seems like more light than I'm used to.

I blink away the overwhelming light to realize I'm not in my bed. I'm facing the back of someone else.

I'm in Phil's bed.

What am I doing in here?! Almost falling, I climb out of the bed and tiptoe out of the room.

Why was I in his bed? I know I do stupid things when I'm drunk, but this...

Did he notice? If he did...that means he was okay with it! Then again, he has been sleeping a lot. Also, he refused to forgive me for yesterday's little bickering session.

There's no way he would just let that slide. He'd probably just push me out of the bed. Calm down, Dan. He probably didn't notice.

I go to make waffles for breakfast. I know he loves them; maybe he'll warm to me a bit. Hopefully.

After adding whipped cream and strawberries, I carry two plates - one for him and one for me - into his room.

"Good morning, Philip," I chime. He squirms in his bed. "Go away," he groans.

Rolling my eyes, I clear my throat. "Turn around, doofus." He turns over slowly as if he were a hot dog on one of those little machines, glaring in the process.

His eyes spot the waffles. I grin. "I know you want them," I coax, gliding his plate towards him. He tries to grab it. "Ah ah ah," I tease, waggling my index finger.

"I hate you, Dan," he scowls. My smile only growing, I respond. "Forgive me, and they're yours."

He sits up. "That's blackmail!" "Maybe it is."

He thinks for a minute, glaring at me in resentment. "Fine. Now give me my waffles."

I laugh quietly. "That's my Phil," I comment under my breath.

Handing him the plate, I sit down on the bed that I woke up in this morning. Sunshine pours in through the window. A nice sunny morning. We haven't had too many of those lately.

Snapping out of my little daydream, I look over at Phil, sticking a little bite of waffle in my mouth. He's already wolfed through about 75% of what I put on his plate.

"Felt hungry, did you?" I ask. He sighs deeply. "I hate it when you're right," he mutters before going back to eating his waffles. I give him a sympathetic look.

"This is why you need to eat more," I remark, taking another bite. He doesn't respond.

Almost done with my plate now, I look over at Phil, who has finished. "Now don't tell me you didn't miss food, and don't tell me you didn't enjoy that."

"Okay, okay. I won't lie, you're right," he admits. Then he gives me a small smile. "Thanks, Dan."

I nod, holding out my hand to take his plate. He hands it to me, and I stand up.

"Hey, Dan?" I turn around. "Why are you doing all this?" he asks.

"That's easy. Because you're my friend, and I care about you," I tell him. When he doesn't reply, I turn around and walk out the door. I make my way to the kitchen.

Washing the dishes. A chore that has never really bothered me that much. I'm not sure why, either. It just isn't one of those chores I have resented in my life.

Whistling, I complete the deed quickly. For some reason, I have a feeling this will be a good day.



So how was that? ^~^ Cute happy waffle Phil X3 Well I hope you enjoyed and I will seeya next time!

*does a foxtrot on the moon while eating cupcakes*

(If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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