Chapter 2

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It's raining. Hard. We have been having quite a lot of rain. It isn't helping Phil's attitude towards life.

What is he doing? I have food on the table, and he said he'd be right back. Well, not exactly. He said he was going to get his laptop, or something like that. It's been fifteen minutes. Maybe he's just screwing around on it.

It's been about two months since he last uploaded a video. I've been getting people on twitter asking me if he's okay.

Of course he isn't. But I reply with "yes" every time anyway.

I stand up. He has been distracted by something. When I open his bedroom door, he is curled up in his bed, asleep.

Around his eyes, the skin is red. He's been crying. Why? I've never seen him cry before. I don't want to wake him now.

Earlier, he came out of the bathroom with this same red-eyed face. He said he had been taking a shower. Now I feel even more strongly that he was lying.

I walk out into the hallway, and down to the bathroom. Was he just trying to get away from me in here?

No. There was something else.

I enter slowly. One of the cabinet doors under the sink is slightly open.

Kneeling down, I open it all the way.

At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious or strange. That was until something shiny in the back of the cabinet catches my eye.

My eyes widen in disbelief and horror as I pull out a huge knife that's been missing from the kitchen for about a month.

He was going to kill himself...wasn't he?



I know I said I'd make this longer, plz don't kill me lol...hope you liked it anyway! Seeya!

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