Chapter 7

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OKAY JUST BTW. I am so sorry that we've been seemingly dead for a long time now. We're gonna try not to be...I'm just glad I finally thought of some stuff for this story lol. All you guys who are still here, thanks for stickin around <3 Okay! I've made you wait long enough. Back to Dan's POV :P



I wake up on the bean bag. Phil has left the spot. Looking up, I hear bustling around in the kitchen.

Quickly, I stand up and head in that direction. Sure enough, he's making a mess. Just as I'm about to scold him, it hits me that he's making food.

"You're going to eat!" I exclaim happily. He wheels around, startled. "Oh my god Dan, you just scared the hell out of me!" he yells out defensively.

"Wow, I must have scared you pretty bad, you actually cursed!" "You're one to talk." "Shut up." "Make me."

I seductively drag my fingers across his cheek. He gives me a blank stare, his mouth hanging open. "Made you," I say, grinning.

Still in his little trance, he asks, "Made me what?"

"I shut you up," I state simply, wondering if I should have actually done that. He looks at me like I'm an alien. "Cheeky," he remarks, trying to be playful.

But his eyes are still wide open. I look back at the mess. "Anyway, back to the point. You're actually eating?"

He nods slowly, giving a bit of a sad smile.

I smile brightly at him. "I'm so happy you're okay. God, I can't say this without sounding incredibly cheesy...but I just don't want to lose you again, okay?"

I give him an expectant look.
He looks at the floor. "It's so hard, hiding from you, you know. But I can't tell you yet. I can't tell you why...I was like that. Not yet. But I will eventually. I promise."

I hate not knowing. Had someone hurt him? That bad? I swear, if that's the case, I will crush whoever did.
I decide to let it go. I trust him to tell me someday. Waiting has never been a talent of mine, but I can do it as long as he's happy.


It's dark out. I sit on the couch, scrolling through my tumblr feed.
"Hey Dan?" Phil asks. Without looking up, I answer. "Yeah?" An awkward pause takes place. It almost seems as if he is contemplating whether or not to say what he is about to say.

" you want to just hang out in my room for a while?"

"Sure, I guess. Do you want to film a video or something?" He doesn't reply. Exiting out of my tumblr, I shut my laptop and stand up. I don't really understand, but it's better to find out than to leave it.

He is standing, waiting for me to follow. I satisfy this purpose.
As I enter the room, a yawn takes over my focus for a few seconds. I flop down on his bed.

It is unmade. I crawl into his duvet and curl up. "Fluffy," I announce loudly to my flat mate. I hear him giggle from outside my duvet cave.

He climbs in with me, stealing some of the covers in the process. It quickly becomes a battle for the soft cocoon.
After a while of tugging he pushes too hard and I fall off the bed.

"Owwwww," I groan loudly and jokingly from the floor. I push myself back onto the bed. "Sorry," he tells me, smiling widely.

Not saying anything, I lean back against the pillows in his bed. He looks at me like he's using effort on something. " know..." he starts. I make eye contact with him. His mouth opens and just hangs there, trying to make the right words come out.

I can tell he's trying really hard to say something. "I th- no...I didn't...never mind."

He looks like he feels guilty, so I decide not to tease him about it. I can't put stress on him. That's a dangerous game that I'm not willing to play.

"Do you want to play some sort of game?" he suggests. I jolt back into reality, startled by the fact that his words somewhat matched my most recent thought. "Uh...s-sure!" I stumble over my words. He looks at me curiously.

"What kind of game, though?" I ask more slowly, trying to get it together. He makes a thinking face, staring at the wall.

"Uh...I don't know."

"Are you sure you don't want to film a video or something?" I offer. He makes a face that obviously means no.

We sit in an awkward silence for almost a minute. My eyes flutter across several different objects in different parts of the room.

"You know...I..." he starts.

I sit to attention, looking at him expectantly. "I...well..." If only I could coax it out of him. He sighs deeply. "Never mind."

Another awkward silence ensues, this one several minutes long. I spend each one hoping he won't give up on the thing he's been trying to tell me.

However, when he opens his mouth again, he just says "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Okay," I respond blandly, watching him stand up and leave the room. How do I break the weird tension?

Suddenly I get an idea.

I wrap myself in the duvet. I'll pretend I'm asleep and scare him. I used to do that all the time actually. It might help, in a weird way.

After longer than it seems like it should take, I hear him open the door. He walks somewhat quickly down the hallway.

I shut my eyes, regulating my breathing to a slow, steady pace.

"Dan, when did you spill conditioner everywhere?" he asks, walking in the room again. Oops. "I had to clean it up, you know."

I open my eyes a tiny bit from behind the duvet wall, and he's noticed that I've "fallen asleep". I shut them all the way again.

"You really were tired, huh?" I hear him whisper quietly as he walks toward me. I can hear his smile through how he says the words.

He blows on my face to see if I'll wake up. It tickles, and it takes every bit of effort not to twitch.

I get ready to jump out at him, but something stops me. Something I would never have expected.

He leans down, pressing a light kiss on my lips, and then moves away quickly.


He sits on the edge of the bed, his breathing elevating a bit.

There's no way I'm opening my eyes now. He might think I noticed. I panic internally.

He exits the room. Where is he going? Why? What is he going to go do? My mind is going so many places at once.

As soon as he is far away enough, I sit up straight, my eyes rapidly flicking around the room.

What just happened? Why would he do that? Is that what all this is about?

Does he have feelings for me?

The panicking feeling grows. It's definitely not what I expected, and not really what I wanted, either. I'll have to pretend nothing happened.

Oh god, what do I do?


UM HahAHahAa SOOO...that was a thing. I really hope that you thought it was worth the wait <3 Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon, my fluffies!! ^.^

*throws confetti as I am finally back*

(If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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