Chapter 20

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From now on, I’ll be waiting for the reason for this breakup
I still don’t know
You left me and won’t come back

- Alone in this room, IU

It was the middle of March, just a few more weeks, and vacation will start, what I didn't prepare for was the news of his relationship.

One week, it took him one week to cut his connection with me and one week to start with another.

It's so easy for him to start another relationship while I'm here, thinking is if it's some kind of joke or prank for him. Four months of laughter and joy, the emotions that I have invested in this relationship, and the memories that he gave me along with his existence, it hurts.

I lay in my bed, eyes wide awake as tears fell on my bed thinking of the reason why he did this to me. Is it because he couldn't wait? Or maybe he found that he doesn't truly like me? What could be the reason for doing this- leaving me without ending things?

The next morning arrived and as I look into the mirror, I see a sad, pitiful girl with swollen red eyes. I chewed on my lip, telling myself to never cry when I see him but they betrayed me.

"Why are your eyes swollen?" My mother quickly finds out the condition of my eyes which I excused for watching drama. "Tsk, kdrama again, go and study hard so we can become rich"

I've heard of this thing before and hearing it out now, I just nodded numbly. I never realized how much my mother would always mutter those words and looking back now at my situation, I kind of feel guilty that I've been moping around because of a boy who just left me.

I should've been studying hard and not falling in love, what would my mother say if she knew?

"Haha, you look like a panda!" I hit my brother, Jonnel, with my hand before glaring at him.

My brothers have already lived the life of a fisherman, even my elder brother Richard went along with the other three and quit his job.

Shortly after, I find myself walking to my class, all of my senses were heightened and like a warrior ready for battle, I will myself to act like we're strangers.

The class helped, even if some of our teachers decided to loosened their teaching and leave us alone, some were just terror that we don't even feel like it's about to be a vacation.

Soon the bell rang and we all stood up, some of the boys have already run off to the canteen while the others continued their game. I on the other hand gulped, I tried to bring all the blessings and prayed that I never have to face him again or else I would crumble. 

"Ange!" I saw my friends and as soon as I saw them, I smiled, although stiff and very much fake, I smiled.

I didn't want them to know how weak I feel, I don't wanna be the bawling damsel who couldn't function well without a guy, I don't want to look like that.

"That f*cking guy, I should've skin him alive!" Faith was enraged and I sent a genuine smile at her brutal words. To be honest, I do too.

"He's not worth your tears Ange, remember that" Irish held my hand tightly as I grip hers, letting her words manifest into me.

Meryl couldn't look me in the eye, she may be feeling guilty for introducing him to meet and letting this happen to me but it wasn't her fault. She doesn't control his mind. Alyssa continued to hug me, comforting me with her hands as they brush past my hair repeatedly.

"I'm fine" I stared at each of them, I will be and I will make sure of that.

To say that our lunch wasn't filled with such roller-coaster emotions would be an understatement. It was filled with awkwardness at first and then swearing over Eric's cassanova personality then groaning how men are evil and should be annihilated then back to crying over how we would be single forever.

My day couldn't get better if it wasn't for them and for now, I don't think I'll ever look at a boy again after what Eric has done to me.

Study first!

Chapter 20 is out!

Fun (?) fact: All her brothers have become fishermen and yes (still hate you for breaking Ange's heart Eric) he did get into a new relationship in the middle of courting Ange.

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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