-Chapter Two-

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My chest was tightening as my stomach began to feel sick. I had to keep swallowing hard so I didn't have to puke. The buzzing in my ears seemed to slowly dissipate, but there was no relief from the anxiety that had settled over me like a cloud.

Finally stepping outside into the courtyard, once again. I followed it's winding path towards the fountain and my breath had started to come a little easier before I heard a sound.
At first I didn't know what it was. It was too muffled- too odd. Then I thought it could be one of the guys from before. I looked around for a moment trying to spy where he was so I could avoid such an uncomfortable encounter. The sound got more distinct, but it wasn't the guys, I could tell that much. A movement close to the old greenhouse caught my eye, and I saw that a shape was slumped over by the bench near it's boarded up doors.

It moved again, and I manged to make out a persons shape. It was sitting but kinda hunched over, almost folded in on itself. The sound started again.
This close I could hear that it was a weird wailing- like whoever was there was in pain.
Naturally I wanted to run in the other direction, but I couldn't. My curiosity got the better. Plus, I felt it- the knowledge within me that I could not leave. That whatever was happening on that bench was something I had to face. Taking a deep breath I approached the bench.

"Hello? Uhm,..Are you okay?"
Trying to peer around the ornamental bush to see who resided the bench behind it.

"No!" That word was an eerie, whispering explosion of sound.

"Can I help you?" I asked. For a moment I thought I could see a silhouette of hair? A girl?

"It's so dark! So, so dark! Can't...breathe! Can't get out!"

She shook her hands from her face before looking up at me. I was in shock. It was a girl...With a hole where her right eye should be. A planchet shaped around it like a tattoo. Staying calm I sat down in front of her. She starred at me long, her face covered in dirt and tears.

"Y- you...can see me?" She asked.
How odd? Why wouldn't I be able to?
I questioned before noticing the rest of her was almost translucent. She wore overalls and a pink stripped shirt that were also tattered and dirtied. Her hair was the whitest and longest waves as if snow had dyed it. Her gunmetal eye met mine, its alive, churning like an angry ocean pulling me in.
I could feel myself drowning.

"Of course I can see you. Why wouldn't I?" I asked, moving myself slowly beside her on the bench. She seemed uncomfortable with my attention on her.

"I d- don't know. I've been here for so long...and every person who has p- passed... Like I'm Invisible."
She rasped. Her voice I noted had an english accent. Im guessing she hadnt spoke at all before meeting me.
Before I could ask her anything else,
Her hand moved to mine, it seeped through. It felt like a cold, lively static had just touched me.

I stood up quickly out of shock. Her gaze seemed hungry for touch before it switched to a lonley, vacant thought.

"I'm sorry...Please!..don't leave. Please..."

"I won't leave." I reassured her, softly sighing as I seated myself back down. I remembered my studies on Spiritual Beings from my old Academy. There were Five different types she could possibly be.

A Level One: Interactive Personalities- Most common in the realm, of a recently deceased person wishing to make contact with the living.

Level Two: An Ectoplasm- A spirit that generates enough energy to become embodied on historical sites, battlefields, or graveyards.

Level Three: The Poltergeist- A Dangerous Personality that uses more energy than any other spirit. With the intention of hurting or possesing the living.

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