I'm Sorry, Lori!

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*As Lori drove Luan to Carol's house from the cemetery after Leni's and Lynn Sr.'s funeral, Luan hadn't spoken to Lori at all, since she was still feeling guilty about what happened in her nightmare, which almost came true. A few weeks ago, it happened........! Luan had busted Lori out of prison, but she was too late to save Leni from Rita, who's now spending the rest of her life behind bars. Lori had a bunch of scars on her body where Jessica and Cassandra beat her up. But they weren't as bad as Luan's wrist. Remember when she injured herself with handcuffs in my other story? Well, she did that here as well. Anyway, as Lori pulled into the driveway, she and Luan got out, but Luan ran up to the guest bedroom, crying, and slammed the door.*

Lori: Luan........?! It's me...... Lori........!

Luan:*crying* Go away, Lori............!

Lori: Luan....... please don't shut me out of your life......! I understand you feel guilty, but you need to move on! It's what Leni and dad would want you to do.

Luan: I can't.........! Not after I betrayed your trust.........!

Lori: Luan, you didn't betray my trust!

Luan: Yes I did! You almost drowned in your jail cell because of me! If I had known that Rita paid Jessica and Cassandra to frame you....... none of this would've happened! I'm not the sister you thought I was, Lori! Maybe the world would be better if I was never even born..........!

*I'm sorry to say that those words broke Lori's heart. She never expected Luan to say that.*

Lori: Luan........ don't say that.........! You know that's not true! Rita forced Lincoln to take Leni's side in the first place. She abused us and...........!

Luan: Don't finish that sentence, Lori..........! I don't want to be reminded of that anymore!

Lori: Luan..........! Sis.........!

Luan:*crying* Please leave me alone, Lori..........! And stop calling me your sis..........!

*Everything was silent until Lori heard Luan crying. Lincoln heard the whole thing and went up to Lori.*

Lincoln: Poor Luan...........! I feel like this was my fault in the first place.........! I shouldn't have listened to Rita.......!

Lori: Lincoln, it wasn't your fault either. Rita paid off that cop and my former cell mates. But we need to keep an eye on Luan, because I don't want to lose her!

Lincoln: Me neither, Lori! Me neither!

*I'm sorry to say that they were unaware that Luan was planning on running away. She started packing up her suitcase and bought herself a plane ticket with Lori's credit card.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Luan runs away from home and boards her plane. Also, Jessica and Cassandra belong to Ch276Zj.

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