Thank God You're Okay!

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*The next morning, Luan had finished eating breakfast when Terra walked in while talking to Lori.*

Terra: Here she is, Lori.

*She handed the phone to Luan.*

Luan: Hey........ Lori.........!

Lori: Luan! Oh, thank God you're okay! Lincoln and I were worried sick! And so was Soren! You didn't even say goodbye to him! What were you thinking?! You could've been killed!

Luan:*sad* I'm sorry, Lori......... I just didn't want you deal with me ruining your life again.........! Please don't be mad...........!

Lori: Luan, I'm not mad at you! I was just worried, that's all! However, Terra and I talked it over and we think that grounding you until I come down to Jump City should be enough. I'm sorry, Luan, but what you did was dangerous! I just don't want you to die! I was afraid you killed yourself, Luan!

Luan: I understand.........! Is Lincoln with you.........?!

Lori: Yes, Luan! Why?

Luan: Can you please put me on speaker so I can talk to him?

Lori: Sure, Luan!

*She did*

Lincoln: Luan! Thank goodness you're alright! We were all worried about you! Soren is with me and so are Ronnie and Carol!

Soren: Are you okay, Luan?!

Luan: No..........! I miss you guys.........! Especially Lori! *crying* I never should've left...........! I'm so sorry...........!

Lori: Luan, listen to me, I know you didn't mean to leave, but I understand why you did. If I were in your shoes, I'd do the same thing, but that doesn't mean I want you doing that again. I'm only saying this because I love you and I don't want to see you get killed!

Carol: We all make mistakes, Luan, but you need to move on. You've got your whole future ahead of you, kiddo. And you need to leave all of your mistakes in the past.

Lori: She's right, Luan! Besides, if it makes you feel any better, I already forgave you.

Luan: I don't know if I can forgive myself, Lori.........! Not after I betrayed your trust in me.........!

Lori: At least try, Luan! Okay?

Luan: I will.........!

Lori: Good! I'm boarding my flight right now, okay? I'll talk to you later.

Luan: Okay, Lori! I'll see you when you get here.

Lori: You too, Luan! In the meantime, good luck at the court house. Terra is going to adopt you and become your mother/sister. I'll still be your sister, since Terra will adopt me and Lincoln as well.

Luan: Thanks....... I guess........! See you soon.

Ronnie Anne: You too, Luan!

*She hung up and finished getting ready to go.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Luan gets adopted.

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