Modern AU- Reunion (pt. 1)

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I'm Y/n. Just an ordinary student. Except my life is seriously messed up. I thought. My pencil idly scratched at my worksheet. I glanced out the window, to the courtyard under almost-blooming cherry trees. He was there. My heart skipped a beat and I scribbled the last few answers before grabbing my belongings and rushing out of the classroom, setting my assignment on the teacher's desk as I did so. I strode through the hallways, glancing out the windows to see he was still ahead of me. He... was a student. Though nobody knew him. Not even the teachers. He always had a hood pulled up and a dark mask. I caught sight of him still rushing though the courtyard, strands of his dark emerald hair peeking out of the hood. He glanced around I caught sight of his pale features- and his eyes. 

I must know you! I sped up, dodging the doors that were opening, signaling the end of class. Why else do those eyes- those eyes that shine like gold and amber- hurt so much every time I see you? Whenever I see you, I feel emotions I can't even explain. Yet I've never spoken a single word to you. You may as well not exist, seeing as even the teachers don't know you. But then why are you here, at some random high school...?

"Wait-" I burst into the courtyard, but he was gone. My shoulders slumped, though the disappointment wasn't unfamiliar. This happened so often. Almost every other day. I knew I was acting odd- this whole thing was odd- but I couldn't help but hope. That he was someone... important to me.

I sighed and turned around, ready to head home- when I stopped. There was something on the smooth stones that didn't belong. A... weird coin? I scooped it up quickly, hiding it before anyone saw. I quickly headed up to the roof, stealing a quiet corner away from scattered students. The coin was shaped like a skinny hexagon but took all the space on my palm. Swirling designs stood out against the smooth surface. I've seen this before. I know I have! I glared at the bronze surface. The coin stared blankly back. The mystery of the green-haired boy had been a part of my life for almost a full year now, and I'd never gotten anywhere. Until... maybe now.

At home, I fiddled with the coin, cursing my stubborn brain that was unable to remember where I'd seen it. This makes no sense. But whatever it is... I know it belongs to him. I need to return it. Slowly, I came up with a plan. So the next day in school... I skipped part of my last class and sat in the courtyard, under the trees. He must've noticed it went missing and would probably come back for it today. I hoped. I waited and waited, my heart beating faster for some unknown reason. I saw classes be dismissed and students began to enter the courtyard. I clasped the coin between my shaking hands. 

I scanned the courtyard and spotted a flash of emerald green. I instantly took off through the swarm of students, heading straight for him. I got closer and closer- but then his head whipped around. I his golden eyes for a split second- wide and scared- before he began sprinting away.

"Wait!" I cried, running after him. The students parted seamlessly, as if he wasn't even there, but joined again as soon as he went by. I squeezed by a group of students but it was no use- I could even see his head above the others'. "Who are you?"

The next morning, I opened my locker with a sigh- and something fell out and hit me in the face. "Gah-!" I winced, but grabbed the thing before it fell- a cardboard box the exact size of a book. "Huh...?" A quick glance around confirmed nobody was watching... though I did feel a prickle on the back of my neck, something too familiar. I opened the box hesitantly... and nearly dropped it in shock. Miscellaneous beads of a few colors rolled around inside. I saw two tassels, but in the center, an intricate, triangle-shaped center piece. I knew this, too... my hand moved before I could think, picking up the black thread in the box, and slipping it through all of the beads, one after the other after the other- and I blinked and was holding a necklace.

This doesn't make any sense. My mind was spinning, but the prickle on the back of my neck grew. I felt almost giddy, knowing that he was staring at me from somewhere I could never find. I could never catch him in time.

My thoughts were racing from the appearance of the necklace as I walked home after school. I felt anxious and stressed... so my feet guided me to the kitchen and a dessert I'd known my whole life came to mind. I pulled out milk... almonds... honey... And slowly felt myself relax as I cooked. At the end, I had a dish of soft, cubed tofu drizzled in sweet golden syrup. I sprinkled shaved almonds on top, knowing I'd made this dish before. For... for someone I love. The realization almost made me drop the dish.

(Xiao's POV)

My life is more messed up than anything can explain. I stared up at the starry night sky, sitting on the edge of a towering  apartment building. A cold breeze tugged at my hair and jacket. I sighed and looked down. For as long as I could remember... that person had been in my mind. Their name evaded me every time I tried to recall it- at least a hundred times a day- but I knew that somewhere in me, I knew them. It had already been a year, I couldn't keep wasting time like this! But for the life of me, I couldn't find the courage to reach out to them. 

My hands tightened into fists. Inside of one of them was a pendant with a curved frame and a four-pointed white star. It belonged to that person. That person... I looked back at the stars. I'd remembered seeing brilliant skies with that person. I couldn't picture what they looked like- but I knew their aura. Gentle and perfect.

Hot tears stung the corner of my eyes as I found constellations I'd pointed out to somebody else.

Soon. I promise... I'll meet you soon.

I closed my eyes, wishing more than anything for them to be there. And their name- it came to me. It struck my mind like a lightning bolt and I remembered.

"Y/n..." I stammered, unable to tear my eyes away from the stars. "Y/n." I raised my voice. Over and over, their name fell from my lips, quietly at first, then louder and louder until I screamed their name from the rooftop, tears streaming down my face. "Call my name. Please." I said, throat raw. "I promise I'll be there when you call."

The door slammed open and my heart stopped. 

(Y/n's POV)

My eyes shot open in the dark. My heart was hammering in my chest. My name. I sat bolt upright in bed. Someone had called my name. I grabbed the necklace and coin off my desk.  Passing through the kitchen, I unconsciously grabbed the container of almond tofu. I quietly shut the door behind me, turning around. The apartment's quiet, dark halls greeted me.

He's close. He's so close. I know he's here. My feet pounded the carpet as I raced to the stairwell and threw the door open. The rooftop. We'd been on the rooftop together. My head throbbed in pain but I sprinted up the stairs as fast as I could. Higher and higher, panting and terrified I would miss him again.

I finally reached the top and slammed my body against the door. It swung open with a bang and the cold air hit me like a slap to the face. But I didn't care. I gasped for breath, staring straight ahead at the figure standing on the edge of the roof. Dark green hair with light streaks blew to the side, in the direction of the wind.

I felt trapped in place, my throat glued shut. But my lips parted and I spoke the one word that belonged to the one I loved.

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