I Desire Josie Saltzman

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Hope and Josie remained a little silent in the car since they left the Hotel and had that big reveal from Jade about the two Ex traitors back home.

It was Josie who seemed less inclined to talk rather than Hope who tried talking to the brunette next to her but got basic replies back.

It wasn't long until they would reach the Camp Lizzie was staying at and any chance they had about speaking of recent events would be gone when they step out the car.

Hope looked at Josie and realised there was no chance of the brunette opening up about what was on her mind if she didn't force her hand a little.

"Josie everything okay? You seem a little quiet and I'm a little worried. I know the whole thing with Finch would have a effect on you so I just wanted you to know I'm always here for you" Hope started saying as she knows what it feels like as she was in a similar situation with Landon.

Josie wasn't thinking about Finch or about Malivore and Landon, she was only thinking about her feelings for Hope and how they never went away but kept growing stronger and stronger.

"I can't and don't want to talk about it. This isn't nothing to do with the others but I'm not wanting to talk about it either" Josie looked down as she said that. She felt like she couldn't admit her feelings for Hope, not here or now.

Hope was left confused by what Josie was saying. If it wasn't to to with everything Jade had told them back in the Hotel then it was something else.

"Somehow I don't quite believe you. I mean you expect me to open up to you about everything going on with me, you don't like it when I'm quiet or distant about things and now you expect me to not worry about you. Don't push me away" Hope says grabbing hold of Josie's hand and parking the car up on the side of the road by the woods.

Josie looked into the light blue eyes of Hope and couldn't help but get lost in them. A single ran down her cheeks which was wiped away by the Tribrid.

"I care about you too Hope Mikealson and maybe one day I will tell you what is going on with me but for the moment I just want to get to the place where my sister is" Josie's fingers intertwine with Hopes and they looked at each other until there was a knock on the window with Lizzie looking at them.

Both girls snapped out of it once they saw Lizzie in a full white outfit with a blue necklace around her neck. She looked so calm and at a peace with everything, which really surprised Hope and Josie.

"Hey girls welcome to my new Home for a while. It is so nice here and I'm glad you both decided to come" Lizzie proceeds to move towards Josie and gives her a hug while then moving to Hope to do the same.

Hope's eyes were big in response to what's happened as she looks at Josie completely confused about the situation. They would have never expected Lizzie to behaving this way.

The blonde twin gestures for Josie and Hope to follow her inside the camp in which they would they would be welcomed by other members who also wore all white revealing type clothes with a blue necklace round their necks.

"You lied to me Jo, you said that Lizzie was in Trouble and that you wanted my help to save her but clearly she looks fine to me" Hope whispered to Josie who was trying to think of a excuse but couldn't currently think of one at the moment.

"I just thought that you could use this trip to help clear your mind and get some much needed distance from the school which happens to be more important now that we have people trying to kill us" Josie wasn't going to feel guilty about wanting to help Hope.

"Can you two love birds calm down please, this is supposed to be a place for calm and togetherness" Lizzie says with not any signs of disgust and keeps leading both Josie and Hope towards the main tent.

Signs could be heard from both girls as they heard Lizzie talk about them like that. Josie went red after what was said. She kept trying to hide her growing blush as they headed inside the tent.

Andi the Cult leader saw that Lizzie had completed her task in getting both Hope and Josie to her. "Welcome girls it's a pleasure to have you both here. Please do sit down or stand which ever you prefer while I do my meeting with the rest of the members"

Hope went and stood at the back while Josie reluctantly followed as she didn't really want to speak to her at the moment with all the awkward tension between the two girls which mainly came from the brunette.

After the enlightenment, Hope didn't seem to convinced about it but was lured towards the ice sculpture while Josie was drawn to nosies outside.

Lizzie knew what the plan was but couldn't stop it even she wanted to. The blonde was becoming more and more brainwashed with every day that goes past and was close to no return with Hope and Josie's time under the cult just about to begin.

Hope found herself touching the Ice Sculpture and her eyes started to glow a bright blue before going back to normal. Andi moved behind Hope and put her hands on the Tribrids waist. "Your going to be mine but that doesn't mean you still can't have the one you desire........Josie Saltzman"Andi whispers to Hope and which had a effect on her.

Hope felt herself getting calmer and allowed Andi's hands on her body. "I don't know if, I don't think you know who I desire" It was obviously a lie from Hope as she didn't feel quite right but somehow she couldn't think straight to stop this.

"Come on Hope just admit it, you want Josie Saltzman and if you stay here with us, I can make that happen, just admit it" Andi moves a hand up and down Hopes back while slowly moving one hand to the front of the tribrids body in a attempt to seduce her into submitting.

Hope took a deep breath as somehow her mind seemed more vulnerable to Andi and what she said started to make sense. "Yes your right, I desire Josie Saltzman and I want her badly" Andi smirks hearing this as the blue necklace gets put around Hopes neck.

Just went things couldn't get anymore complicated for the girls with Malivore and Murderous Ex's, a Evil Sexual Cult starts brainwashing them.

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