First Contact

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I watched as 300 rounds sprayed away in minutes. They were still coming,but I was no stranger to these situations. I held my AAR-28,sight up to eye level,I popped their heads one by one as bodies dropped to the floor. Nick had already finished reloading and Jamie tossed a grenade at the stairs,ricocheting upstairs. We all rushed behind him as the blast sent one over the railing. Conrad jumped,firing an entire mag of ammunition and killing 3.

Conrad: "Out of the way!"

Samantha dodged 3 bullets and killed two with a knife and pistol. I spotted one escaping through a window. Looking outside,I expected to see him running and I did,but something else caught my eye.

Y/N: 'An... armored soldier?'

Y/N: "Nick? Did you call for backup?"

Nick: "No."

The soldier took the fugitive out without hesitation and turned to look at me. He had a glowing red eye in the middle of his face.

Y/N: "What the fuck?"

Two more soldiers followed him as he took aim.

Stephen: "Get down!"

We all ducked as nearly everything behind us was destroyed. They started rushing,heavy clanking came from downstairs. I raised my knife,waiting for one to get close enough. I struck,but the knife didn't go through.

Y/N: 'Shit. Kevlar.'

Before he could pull the trigger,I knocked the rifle out his hands as I reached for my handgun. I jammed the muzzle into his stomach,focusing 5 shots in one area. His corpse rolled downstairs as the other two continued rushing. Nick aimed and fired around 100 shots before both dropped dead.

Stephen: "Who the hell were these guys?"

Jamie: "I don't know,but I'm sure they're not here for just some criminals. They'll be back."

She cocked her handgun.

Samantha: "And we'll be waiting."

*Big time skip

Throughout the next month,the attacks were getting more and more frequent. Over time,they revealed a name. MONO.

A group of people geared to the teeth with assault rifles,pistols,SMGs,SGs,sniper rifles,LMGs and heavy weapons. They march and move in groups usually followed by AI-controlled drones and mechs. Mostly dresses in black and white,they call themselves "MONO."

Covered head to toe in Kevlar and titanium plates,MONO armor can block medium caliber bullets. Their helmets have a fixated red eye that switches to night vision when needed. Inside the helmet is an air and water filtration system with a "proboscis" that can filter even the most contaminated oxygen and water,making any source of water drinkable. Some soldiers don't have as much armor.

Hello! I'm working on the update for My Love Is-A-Bell,so don't worry,I'm alive and not leaving it. I am still accepting ideas and stuff,so if you have one,I'll consider and credit it. I'll try to finish it. Anyway,what'd you guys think of the art and chapter? Let me know!

(441 words)

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