The "Biobeasts"

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*Small time skip
*WLDT Cafeteria
*Y/N Pov

Y/N: "Here,Sam. They ran out of milk,so soy milk will have to do,K?"

Samantha: "Sure."

Y/N: "And Conrad,your white coffee,also with soy."

Conrad: "Thanks."

Y/N: "Ronnie,you sure you don't want anything?"

Ronnie: "Yup,I'm sure."

He was still typing away on his laptop as I sat down.

Conrad: "Hey,Ronnie,why don't you ever follow us on missions?"

Chen: “应为他胆小如鼠。”

Ronnie: "I know what that means,Chen."

Chen: "Good."

Ronnie: "I've been working on a new drone for months. It's nearly finished,just needs some tweaking."

Jamie: "Cool."

Y/N: "I'm gonna go to the shooting range. I'll catch you guys later."

Nick: "See ya."

Samantha: "I'll join you in a bit."

Conrad: "Same here."

*Small time skip
*Police Department
*MONO Trooper Pov

John: "Is everything ready?"

Trooper: "Yes,Krei,sir."

John: "Release the beast."

Trooper: "Release the beast!"

Trooper 2: "Releasing the beast!"

A carrier truck backed up near the entrance.

Officer: "What's that?"

Inside the carrier was a Biobeast. A normal anthro turned into an a monster by John Krei,our leader. He always wears a hood with a mask,concealing his face. The doors opened and I saw it,a pitbull with dilated pupils,bloodshot eyes and visible veins. We all backed up as he rushed in.

Officer: "What the fuck is that?!"

Officer 2: "Open fir-"

Before he could say anything,he was slammed into the wall,a crunch was heard. We walked in behind him,firing at the officers as they fired back. He tore one in half before one of the officers grabbed a shotgun.

Officer 3: "Go to Hel-"

Before he could finish his sentence,the pitbull bit and tore his arms off,sending the shotgun and his arm sliding to another officer. He looked on in terror as the armless officer fell to the ground and the pitbull stomped on his head.

Officer 4: "Hey!"

He quickly fired 5 shots before the pitbull finally fell.

Officer 4: "Yes! Oh..."

I fired a shot clean through his skull.

Trooper: "Sir,I think the pitbull,um... died."

I could hear a sigh from Krei's side.

John: "It's fine,bring his body back."

Trooper: "Y-yes,sir."

We carried his limp body back to the truck and headed back.

*Small time skip
*WLDT Shooting Range
*Y/N Pov

Y/N: 'Alright,ARs are done. I do need to get better with SMGs,though."

Samantha: "Hey there."

Conrad just waved.

Y/N: "Hey guys!"

Samantha: "Whatcha doing?"

Y/N: "Training. Not obvious enough?"

Conrad: "You know,come to think of it,I've been here for a year and haven't trained sniper rifles yet."

He picked a Type-39 Charged Heavy Sniper Rifle.

Conrad: "About time I start."

He aimed the rifle.

Y/N: "Uh... Conrad?"

Conrad: "Yeah?"

He pulled the trigger.

Conrad: "Holy shit!"

The recoil made him fall over. I took the rifle out of his hands and helped him up.

Y/N: "Maybe some other time. With... a more suitable sniper rifle."

He rubbed the back of his head.

Conrad: "Hey,look,I hit the target!"

Strangely enough,he did.

Y/N: "Huh."

Ronnie walked in.

Ronnie: "Guys,something happened at the police department."

Sam dropped her pistol and we all followed Ronnie.

Hello! Sorry I haven't been updating. I've been a little bummed,but I guess it's not too late to continue,eh? Anyways,hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay home,stay safe.

(561 words)

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