Chapter 13

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"What the hell happened?" Beckett asked in shock. Castle came in behind her, the same expression landing on his face. There was stuff everywhere. Papers, clothes, you name it. It looked like a huge tornado went through and destroyed everything.

"There's something else," Espo lead them to the bedroom where Kendra was laying on the bed, dead.

"Do we know who did this?" Castle asked.

"No, CSU is checking for prints right now," Ryan told them. Beckett made her way over to Lanie.

"So, what happened?" Lanie looked at her.

"I heard about your mom."

"Um, yeah, she's alive," Beckett gave her a small smile.

"Kate, I'm sorry. If you need to get away just call me up, okay?" Lanie said.

"Thanks Lane, I will. So how did she die?"

"Someone held a pillow over her face, died of suffocation. Lividity and body temp. says she died between 7-9AM."

"Okay, thank you," Beckett turned and looked around.

"Espo, Ryan, canvas the area. Castle and I will go back to the precinct to check security cams and break the news to Nicole. I will tell Tori to check into the uncles stalker." Beckett ordered and they all followed.
"Ms. Hunter, we found your sister in her apartment, murdered," Beckett told her softly.

"What? She's dead?" Nicole's eyes widened and tears immediately started to fall. "How? I was just with her."

"She was suffocated with a pillow," Beckett paused a moment to let her think this through. "Nicole, when did you leave her apartment?"

"Um, around 6:30. I had a meeting. She was perfectly fine when I left."

"You said earlier to the other Detectives that it was Kendra that shot Dominic. Why do you say that?" Castle asked.

Nicole wiped tears away, "Kendra hated him. She thought that he was a threat."

"How come?" asked Beckett.

"Because she would always see bruises on me after I had been with him. But hey, we all have rough sex sometimes right?" Castle and Beckett shared looks.

"Where were you between 7-9 this morning?"

"Like I said at a meeting, you can ask the 10 other people that were there." Nicole told them.

"Thank you," Castle and Beckett got up and before leaving she said, "I'm sorry to hear about your sister," and they left. Beckett was walking back to her desk when Gates came out of her office.

"Detective Beckett, what are you doing here?"

Beckett looked at her, confusion all over her face, "What do you mean? I'm working a case."

Gates gave her a look, "Beckett, you just found out your mother is alive after all these years. You should be home. Ryan and Espo can do the rest."

"That's not necessary, I'm perfectly fine to work. Plus, I need to not think about that right now."

"Then don't think about it at home, with your husband. Now please, go home. I will have Espo and Ryan call you to fill you in if you want me to."

"Sir-" Beckett tried.

"No, that's an order. Now go. Come back when you are ready and everything with your mom is cleared."

Beckett let out a heavy sigh, "Alright, fine. But please, tell the boys to call me what they found."

Gates nodded, "Will do. Get better Detective. Take care of her Mr. Castle." he just smiled and followed Kate to her desk.

"Do you want to stop for lunch before we go home?" Castle asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice," she smiled, grabbing the last of her things and heading to the elevator.

"I don't wanna talk to her," Beckett said quietly as they boarded the big metal box.

"I know, but you have to, Kate. Maybe not right now but you have to eventually. It's not fair to her," he wraps her in a hug, getting a immediate response from her.

She sighs heavily, "God, I missed her so much and here she is living in Florida for 12 years and no one even knew."

He didn't know what to say so he kissed the top of her head and held her closer until they heard a ding.
{686 words}

A/N: I swear, if fifteen year old me made them have sex when they get back to the loft, I'm gonna throw my computer across my room..

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