I: The Attack

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As she watched on from where she was sitting, people danced around in the ballroom close to Princess Marina and she continued watching until her mother walked over to her and she turned. "Mother!", she greeted her. Sitri pulled a music box and the necklace which came with it out of her hand bag and gave them to her, after which she put the necklace on. They sang the music box's tune together, but the moment they finished the tune, the ballroom doors flung open and the church's enemies entered. Two of them spotted her and nodded to each other. "Princess Marina, take this rectangular box for safekeeping.", Myson said and used his dark magic to safely get the box over to Marina's hands, after which she hid behind a pillar and opened the box to discover a silver lance in it. She peeked out from behind the pillar at Myson, who gave Marina the signal to arm herself with the silver lance. She did so and more enemies appeared. Then they started fighting with the church soldiers, during which he kills both Jeralt and Rhea. Marina ran out of the ballroom with her mother right behind her. "Mother!", she said as they ran farther away from the ballroom. Once they made it outside, they are separated from each other. Sitri didn't stop running until she made it to a train station, where she boarded a train headed for Enbarr. Once she makes it to the imperial palace, she is taken in by Emperor Ionius and his family.

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