VI: Dorothea marries Sylvain

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Despite having made it clear to his parents he was in love with her the night before, Sylvain had no idea how Maverick and Julianne would react to him marrying Dorothea due to their statuses being different. However, she felt the same way he did, so Dorothea used magic to contact Sylvain while he was in his bedroom. "Dorothea!", he said with surprise in his voice. "Don't let what your parents think about your feelings stop you from asking me to marry you, Sylvain.", she said. "I get it. Thanks for the tip, Dorothea.", he said before she hung up. "It looks like I just got lucky.", he said and leaned back on his bed. "Time for dinner, Sylvain!", Julianne called to her son. "Coming, Mother!", he said and made his way to the castle dining room. The next morning, he made his way with his parents to Enbarr, where Dorothea greeted Sylvain. Once inside the imperial palace, she tells them she used to be a songstress and thus, she has a really pretty singing voice. Sylvain admits to his parents he loves Dorothea for that very reason, causing him to get marriage approval from Maverick and Julianne. As a result, he asks her to marry him and she tells him she feels the same way before accepting his proposal. Therefore, they marry later that day.

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