IX: The Reunion

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The next morning, Lambert tells Dimitri and Mari they were going to be attending a play at the opera house in Enbarr. "Do you know who else will be attending, Father?", he asked him. "Some other people we know are going to be there as well.", he replied. "I'll help buy outfits and accessories we can wear to the play when we get there.", he said. That evening, everyone got into carriages and left for Enbarr. Ginger remained asleep in Mari's arms for the whole ride. When they got to Enbarr, Lambert took Gustave, Mercedes and Annette to a clothing store, where he helped them buy all of the clothing and accessories they were going to wear at the play. Dorothea went right back to the imperial palace, where she helped Hubert, Caspar, Edelgard and Sitri get ready for the play. Before the play starts, Dimitri discovers not only is Mari really Princess Marina, he's also in love with her. During the play, Mari spotted Sitri, who looked up at her and wrote a message on a small piece of paper before she threw it up at her. She caught it and held onto it until the play was over. After this, she right away opened the message and followed her right back to the imperial palace, where Sitri then took Mari to her bedroom. There, her eyes widened when she saw the necklace around her neck. "Where did you get that necklace?", she asked. "This? Well, I've had it as long as I can remember.", she replied. "Might I?", she asked and she immediately took the necklace off her neck. "That's not the only thing I have.", she said and handed her the music box. Sitri winds up the music box with the necklace and they start singing the music box's tune. This allows Mari to finally regain her memories and her blue eyes start tearing up. "Mother!", she cried out. "Oh, Marina! My Marina!", she said and they hugged each other, more than happy to finally be reunited with each other after twelve years.

The Blue Thorn and The Silver Wingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن