Chapter Sixteen: Ethan Winters

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My sisters have great fun chasing Louis while he's hellbent on putting me out of my misery. His words. He sounds like a priest trying to convince me that I'm a demon and that what he's doing is good. In reality I think he's attempting to justify it to himself.

When he's finally caught we bring him to mother. She lets out a heavy sigh of relief.

"What's this then?"

"Fresh prey!" Daniela growls.

Louis looks at me, "Where is your family now?"

"This is my family," I stand by mother, "These are my sisters, and this is our mother lady Dimitrescu. Cassandra, Bela, and Daniela."

"And of course the newest addition to the family Iulia," Mother pets my head affectionately.

"Her name is Emily!" Louis whimpers, "Em, please, come back to us.

We're okay. Most of us are alive. We have help. Please-"

"I'm not going anywhere," I hesitate, "What do you mean you've got help?"

"We found this guy, he's been here before. He's helping us. Some of us are alive," Louis says.

I growl, "A name. What is his name?"


All my sisters shiver and mother's claws extend. Louis watches in horror. His brown eyes are wide, "We can get out of here."

"I'm not leaving," I murmur, chest shivering, "What now mother?"

Mother glares, "He'll come here. You wretched, wretched manthing he'll come here looking to save you!"


Bela grins, "If we give him what he wants maybe this time he'll leave us alone."

"He will suffer for what he did to us," Mother hisses.

"Then we shoot him in the back. There's no use in fighting fair."

"We should strategize where the manthing can't hear us," Cassandra cuts in, "Where should I put him?"

We decide to bring chains up from the cellar and weigh Louis down so he can't move in one of the guest rooms while we think. But before we even begin it's quite apparent any planning is going to be nearly futile. Mother will have to approve and she wouldn't even approve of a dinner plan right now.

"I'll confront him. If he injures me at least we know I'll regenerate. Plus if I wear that fancy shirt Aunt Donna made he won't suspect a thing," I murmur to Cassandra.

Daniela wrinkles one side of her nose, "You're kinda pale, and your eyes are orange."

"Oh." I hadn't noticed. I spend so little time looking in mirrors. Mostly because mother still likes to dress me on occasion and especially loves brushing my hair since I hate it.

"Do you have a better idea?" Bela mumbles grimly, "We'll keep mother distracted. Good luck."

Dressed in my best pants, fluffy shirt, and vest I make sure my hair is down and brushed so I look presentable. Admittedly mother has had a profound impact on me.

I wander the lower levels of the house with a tooth shed from my maw. They become loose and replace like the teeth of a shark, but the infection is ungodly and if I read Miranda's note correctly has no cure, only a treatment to prolong a slow, painful death.

I can feel him coming closer. Which means he's infected with the same thing, whatever it is.

The barrel of a gun brushes the back of my head and he grabs my shirt in the back, holding it tightly in his fist.

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