Who is Matt?

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Gianna Brinley

Today's the day I find out about Matt. I'm so anxious and nervous. I don't wanna hear any bad things, but I do have to think about a game plan if he's not who he says he is.

Whoever is this person is has been in my life for 3 years now and they play a big part in it and it's pretty hard knowing how they look. It would've been easier so at least I know if they really was real or fake.

I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about this all night. Keeping racking my brains. Thank god I'm almost done with work, so I can get this over with.

I can barely focus at work, I tend to stare off into space while I'm helping customers and I kept making mistakes at the register so I stepped off and stayed in the restroom for about 10 min at a time or whenever someone called me over the walkie talkie.

I pretty much went back and forth from the bathroom to the floor, just walking around looking at the products on the wall or trying hand sanitizers to pass time.

"Gianna? Gianna?" I heard someone calling my name. I snapped outta my trance and look in the direction of the voice. It was my manager.


"It's 4:35, time for you to clock out." She alerted me. I sped walk to the break room and clocked out.

I texted Nev, letting him know that I finished work and he replied with the address to the coffee shop him and Kamie is currently at. I walk to my car and get in and pulled up maps on my phone so I know the directions.

As I get there, I enter and realize that it's empty. Did I get the address correct?

"Gianna, over here." I hear Kamie from the other end of the shop. I see her head upstairs so I follow her and see Nev sitting at a table drinking his coffee and I see the camera rolling.

"Hey Gianna you're here. Perfect timing, time to crack this case." He told me.

"At first, I thought I got the location wrong because I didn't see anyone inside besides the employees."

"Oh yeah, we like to rent out places for a couple hours just so no one comes up to us and interupts while we're working."

"Did you want something to eat or drink before we start?"

"No, that's okay. This has been racking my brain all day, I need to know already."

"You just get right to it, I like it."

"So first, we searched up his phone number, since we didn't have any photos to reverse search. So when we searched up his number, we got a hit for a M. Gubler. So he googled search 'Matt G. model' or 'M. Gubler model' and we came up with this guy, Matthew Gray Gubler. So he's a model, but also an actor, and a really big one too." Nev told me and I'm in shock. I mean I was just talking to him last night and watching the show. Maybe that's why he was acting weird and questioning me about the show.

"Uhm yeah, I know who he is. I actually watch his show, Criminal Minds. Excuse me, I just need a second." I stood up and walked to the other end of the coffee shop and just take in the info I heard so far.

"Gianna, you okay?" Kamie came and comforted me.

"Yeah, I just needed a minute. Let's finish this." I said and walked back to where Nev was and sat back down as he continued.

"So after we found this out, Kamie pointed out a video of him and we listened to his voice and compared it to the voicemail that you sent in your email and see if its the same voice and they sound similar."

"So, am I really talking to this person?" I questioned.

"We don't really know. I mean we wanna be hopeful for you and say it is him, but we don't wanna get your hopes up because whenever we deal with a celebrity on this show, it always doesn't end well. So we gotta prepare for the worst just in case its not him." Nev told me and I nodded.

"You're right, I can deal with that."

"What if it is him?" Kamie asked me.

"If its him, then great. But I just wanna know why he had to hide his identity from me. And the real reason we couldn't facetime or meet up."

"And if its not?" She said.

"I'm not sure because from the beginning, I didn't know who this person was or looked like so I can't really get mad at them for lying about how they look. But all in all, I just wanna know the big secret behind why I couldn't have at least one picture of them and why they had to be so secretive about themselves, when I was 100% myself and didn't hold anything back." I responded and she nodded, understanding.

"Well, the only thing to do now is call him." Nev said as he stepped away to call Matt.

My heart is pounding right now.

"How are you feeling right now?" She said to me.

"I'm anxious. I didn't tell him that I contacted the show, and when he finds out I don't think he's gonna take it well."

"What makes you think that?" She asked.

"I just have this feeling inside of me, an uneasy feeling." I told her.


Nev Schulman

I get up from my seat and distanced myself from the table to call Matt privately. I dialed his number and it started to ring, but I received his voicemail, so I left a message for him.

"Hey Matt, this is Nev from the MTV show Catfish, I'm calling regarding your friend Gianna. She really cares about you and she just wants to meet you and I think you owe her that much. We know that your name is Matt and we looked you up and it brought us to Matthew Gray Gubler. At this point, we don't know if that's you or not since we didn't have much to go off on you, but I think Gianna deserves to know the truth and know who she's been talking to for the past 3 years, whether you're actually Matthew or not. So call me back when you get this message, have a good day. Bye." I said and hung up the phone and made my way back to the table.

"So, what did he say?" Kamie asked.

"He didn't answer. I left a voicemail explaining what we know and found and that he should come clean to you and meet up with us to explain himself and to call me back when he can. So now we pretty much wait it out till we get a response from him." I replied to the both of them.

"I'm gonna head home then and relax the nerves that I have right now from all of this, and you guys let me know if anything comes up." I said to the both of them as I stood up. I hugged the both of them before exiting the coffee shop and drove home.

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