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||•Alcoholic Manacles•||

Bitter silence manifested through the dining room. The tension broke out when Killua glared at his father, the one who emitted wild signs of danger. He intimidated Killua, but the albino couldn't do anything but glower at him. "You're gay?" His question faintly seeped into Killua's brain. It rang out in the silent room, like wild drums echoing in a cave.

"Yes," Killua said confidently. However, his voice was hushed. Deep down, he was trying not to intimidate his father any further, hoping that he could get out of this argument satisfied. He forced his pupils not to waver; he stood his ground as if his life depended on it although it was hard to maintain the eye connection with the most dangerous man in the room.

"Hah, that's funny. You want me to believe that you're gay and you already have a boyfriend that both of you are ready to come out to the world AND get engaged?" He confronted, silence followed, then a roar. "BULLSHIT!" A loud thump forced the attendees to flinch. Killua's nerves danced to an omitted song, but he maintained to keep his glare. The table was almost snapped to half because of his father's hit, or that's how it seemed in Killua's subconscious.

Afterward, the words barely came out from Killua's mouth to break the painful silence of the dining room. "I'm an adult. I can do whatever I want. You want this or not, I have a boyfriend." He calmly reasoned.

"Who is he?" Suddenly, Illumi interfered. He asked calmly, just like Killua's behavior. "If he's serious about you, we would like to meet him." Confidence is a dangerous weapon when it's used with manipulation.

Killua looked back at his brother, but his eyes couldn't hold their steadiness anymore. They want to meet him? Meet who? Meet the one Killua thought of when he lied? He gulped the swelling in his throat and felt the bead of sweat on his nape until he finally dared to speak. "O-of course he's serious about me! I said we want to get engaged!"

"We? Or I?" Illumi asked and shut Killua up again.

A lump formed in his throat and banned him from gulping. His mind raced to find the best reply, but the rush won when he said, "Well, I didn't talk about it with him yet—"

"I see," Illumi said, cutting Killua off victoriously. He combed his fingers together like a braid on the table, eyes looking somewhere else although they were piercing Killua to the core. "So, he's just a boyfriend to you."

"Yeah, but we are extremely serious about it," Killua replied, but he felt weak. His legs barely held his weight, and he wished he didn't kick the chair to the ground. His pride would never allow him to pick it up now; it would feel like he lost a round of this argument.

"Have you had sex before?" Suddenly, Illumi asked. Everyone turned to him, pale faces were devoured by sweat and anxiety. One by one, eyes turned to look at Killua's horrifying features.

"What kinda question is that?!" He jerked out. "Have some shame, what the fuck?!"

"Why? Are you too embarrassed to talk about gay sex, little brother?"

"What?!" Killua almost jumped off the ground. His blood boiled and his cheeks reddened. "Yeah! That's what you wanna hear?! Yeah! We had sex a couple of times, so what?!"

"So, you do it frequently?"

Killua's eyes twitched. This time is one of those times where he wanted to strangle his brother to death. His father was surprisingly silent as if he didn't exist in the scene. The rest of the family with their shocked faces almost vanished in the background, behind the arena of Killua and Illumi's fight. "Yes, frequently. Frequently as in yesterday." Killua challenged and replied to his brother; his eyes burned through Illumi's and tried to read his fogged thoughts.

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